Concerned meaning in hindi
As verb : चिन्तित Ex:  His works are concerned mostly with Islamic philosophy. उ: इससे भट्टराई बहुत चिन्तित बने।
As adjective :
तत्सम्बद्ध Ex:  Water gardening is concerned with growing plants adapted to pools and ponds. संबद्ध Ex:  The ancient Indians were not concerned with chronologies उ: अलग-अलग होने के बावजूद ये शाखाएं परस्पर संबद्ध हैं। संबन्धित या विषय में Ex:  Since the deciding bodies he had chosen were more concerned with the former सम्पृक्त Ex:  Further, Orm himself was concerned with the laity. उ: इनका सृजन हिन्दी की तत्कालीन तीनों काव्य-धाराओं से सम्पृक्त है। सरोकार या वास्ता रखने वाला Ex:  Biology is concerned with the characteristics
Other : चिंतित Ex:  Most diplomats are concerned with saving face . उ: चिंतित महुआ अपने पिता व पुलिस के साथ शहर जाए उसे ढूंढती है। व्यग्र Ex:  Peter was not particularly concerned that others ruled in his own name. सम्बद्ध Ex:  As far as Oedipus is concerned उ: वर्तमान काल में यह रुहेलखण्ड विश्वविद्यालय से सम्बद्ध है। सम्बन्धित Ex:  Composers closely concerned with this tradition include Edward Elgar उ: 'यह लेख शासन/स्थान सम्बन्धित प्रदेश हेतु लिखा है। सम्बन्धी Ex:  In fishes the telencephalon is concerned mostly with olfaction. उ: इसमें आयुर्वेद सम्बन्धी सामग्री अधिक है।
ExamplesConcerned synonyms
distressed anxious uneasy uptight disturbed troubled perturbed bothered upset exercised butterflies in stomach in a stew on pins and needles tied up in knots worried sick biting one's nails active attentive interested affected implicated solicitous caring down with in on mixed up privy to Concerned antonyms
collected peaceful composed unperturbed untroubled disinterested inattentive uncaring unconcerned uninvolved calm happy cool undisturbed unworried Usage of Concerned in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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