Concernedly meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Concernedly
As adverb :
उद्विग्नतः उद्विग्नतापूर्वक चिंतित हो कर सोद्वेग
Concernedly synonyms
warily delicately thoroughly laboriously gingerly faithfully deliberately correctly scrupulously precisely exactly honorably particularly reliably discreetly rigorously anxiously conscientiously meticulously prudently thoughtfully attentively circumspectly dependably fastidiously guardedly heedfully in detail providently punctiliously regardfully solicitously trustily uprightly vigilantly watchfully with forethought with reservations kindly cordially gently respectfully courteously agreeably gracefully graciously amiably tactfully affably benignantly charmingly civilly compassionately considerately elegantly gallantly ingratiatingly kindheartedly sociably urbanely winningly
Concernedly antonyms
incompletely partially inadequately carelessly incautiously thoughtlessly uncarefully
Usage of Concernedly in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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