Conch meaning in hindi
As noun : अँभोज Ex:  The priest blew the conch after the prayer.
अंबुमात्रज Ex:  The primary natural resources are spiny lobster, conch and other shellfish. उदधिसुत Ex:  Fish and conch are the only significant export कम्बु Ex:  A conch कौड़ी Ex:  It said, in terms of Natural History, a gastropod mollusc, locked in a conch जंतुकंवु Ex:  We saw this painting Venus worn on a conch जलकरंक जलज जलजात जलसुत त्रिरेख दीर्घनाद नाकूस लक्ष्मीसहज, लक्ष्मीसहोदर वारिचर वारिभव वार्युद्भव शंख उ: इन सभी नदी में शंख नदी ही प्रमुख है। षोड़शावर्त सारंग,सारँग सिंघ ‡ सूचिकामुख हरिप्रिय
Other : कौडी Ex:  By extension, it also said, in terms of Art, Some objects, which determine the shape of a shell or a conch
Conch ki paribhasha : samudr ka ek kid jo ghoghe ki tarah ek asthikosh ke andar rahata hai shnkh ki tarah ka ek kid jo praayaः nadiyon taalaabo tatha any jalaashayon men paaya jaata hai ek prakaar ka bad ghongha jo samudr men paaya jaata hai
ExamplesConch synonyms
clam crustacean mollusk barnacle snail scallop crawfish prawn shrimp lobster mussel oyster whelk piddock crayfish Usage of Conch in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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