Conciliator meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Conciliator
As noun : मध्यस्थ Ex:  adjectively, conciliator Spirit उ:   कठिनाई यह थी कि ईसाई धर्म में मध्यस्थ की कल्पना समुचित न थी।
शांति स्थापक Ex:  If intervene as a conciliator between the parties
Conciliator ki paribhasha : ???? bich men padkar vivaad ki gitaanevaala
Conciliator synonyms
expert envoy agent negotiator representative minister ambassador go-between emissary plenipotentiary moderator legate tactician attachã© cabinet member public relations person chargã© d'affaires court justice authority critic inspector umpire interpreter bench intermediary intercessor judiciary arbiter warden magistrate honor marshal adjudicator assessor chancellor evaluator reconciler appraiser ombudsman justice of peace legal official magister advocate arbitrator broker intermediator medium middle person interceder troubleshooter fixer interagent rent-a-judge pacifist peacekeeper appeaser make-peace pacifier pacificator peacemonger placater statesperson jurist justice of the peace
Conciliator antonyms
fighter arguer agitator instigator
Usage of Conciliator in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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