Concise meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Concise
As adjective : अप्रकांड Ex:  a concise explanation
दहृ Ex:  Although more concise and linear in its structure than Pynchon's other novels बमनी Ex:  A concise लघु Ex:  By extension, writer, concise author उ:   सबसे लघु ग्रंथ 'सूत्र ग्रंथ' कहलाते हैं। लघुक Ex:  It is concise in its explanations शार्टकट Ex:  It means even summary Extract, concise statement संक्षिप्त Ex:  Quality which is concise उ:   यह कहानी का संक्षिप्त रूप भी नहीं है। संगूढ़ Ex:  Tacitus and Montesquieu are concise models सांक्षेपिक Ex:  Which of the two genres is concise like the people of Laconia, the Spartans सामासिक Ex:  write concise, concise style of a सारिक Ex:  , Clenching his style, Subtract what is superfluous in style, write in a very concise manner सोदधित्व स्माल हृस्व ह्लस्वक
Other : मुख्तसर Ex:  A strong and concise सम्मित Ex:  This writer affects the sententious and concise उ:   इस जाति का पुष्प छोटा तथा सम्मित एनीमोन सदृश होता है। सुमित
Concise ki paribhasha : samaan maapa, vistaar ya mooly ka jo snkshep men kaha ya likha gaya ho hasta, ashvini aurn pushy ye tinon nakshatr jo jyotish men chhote maane gae hai aur jinaka gan laghugan kaha gaya hai
Concise synonyms
terse pithy succinct brief compact compendious condensed curt epigrammatic laconic lean meaty short and sweet summary marrowy abridged boiled down breviloquent compendiary compressed in a nutshell synoptic
Concise antonyms
long-winded wordy redundant repetitive lengthy expansive
Usage of Concise in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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