Condense meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Condense
As verb : गाढ़ा करना Ex:  Interstellar clouds eventually condense into solar nebulae and solar systems
गाढा हो जाना Ex:  Outgassing products may condense on nearby colder surfaces गाढा़ करना Ex:  It will take decades for the excess nitrogen to condense out of the atmosphere. गाढ़ा हो जाना Ex:  It is also said in a machine which serves to condense the Gas घना करना Ex:  REFRIGERANT is still male name and said, in terms of chemistry, a container that is filled with water and with which it covers the upper part of a still to cool and condense vapors घना होना Ex:  Vapors that condense घनीभूत करना Ex:  It also means Reduce, condense घनीभूत होना छोटा करना द्रवीकरण होना निर्ह्वास संक्षिप्त करना संघनित करना सघन करना सघन उ:   एक सघन बसा कविता-संसार पाठकों की यायावरी को आमंत्रित कर रहा है । समसन स‌ंक्षेप करना स‌ंघनन करना जमाना उ:   एक वह भी जमाना था जब भूपिन्दर संगीत को बिल्कुल भी पसन्द नहीं करता था। जमाना उ:   एक वह भी जमाना था जब भूपिन्दर संगीत को बिल्कुल भी पसन्द नहीं करता था।
Other : गाढ़ा करना Ex:  Cool vapors to condense
Condense ki paribhasha : vah ghaas jo pahali varsha ke uparaant kheton men ugati hai kisi drav padaarth ki thndha karake athava kisi aur prakaar se gaadha karana
Condense synonyms
shorten summarize curtail compress thicken trim abbreviate reduce snip digest compact cut inventory precipitate shrink solidify concentrate coagulate encapsulate edit contract chop epitomize constrict cut down prã©cis synopsize telescope decoct summate blue pencil boil down densen press together put in a nutshell
Condense antonyms
increase lengthen amplify enlarge grow loosen thin stretch extend develop expand open
Usage of Condense in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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