Confer meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Confer
As verb : आफर Ex:  I need to confer with you about Walter .
डेना Ex:  Because of the immense military power they can confer परामर्श करना Ex:  Action confer or will confer परिनिर्वपण Ex:  Action to confer or receive the church's orders प्रदत्त करना Ex:  Action, right to confer academic degrees to someone प्रदान करना Ex:  Call a doctor in attendance, get him to confer with the ordinary doctor वौकाना Ex:  It means figuratively Transmit or confer the title of king, sovereign संभाषण करना Ex:  It particularly means, in terms of Theology, confer the Sacrament of Confirmation समुत्सर्ग Ex:  It says, speaking of holy things, confer Holy Orders सम्भाषण करना Ex:  must confer the सम्मन्त्रणा करना Ex:  ORDER in ecclesiastical matter, means confer a seminarian of the church orders सलाह करना Ex:  Receive confer the order of chivalry साँपधरन Ex:  To confer a sacred character by means of certain religious ceremonies
Other : बातचीत करना Ex:  Giving confer orders वार्तालाप करना Ex:  If someone confer with
Confer ki paribhasha : kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana
Confer synonyms
huddle negotiate consult advise argue brainstorm speak confab flap deal parley jaw converse blitz bargain gab powwow discourse breeze treat debate talk confabulate collogue get heads together give meeting groupthink kick ideas around toss ideas around pick one's brain provide bestow grant vouchsafe accord allot donate present gift with lay on sweeten the kitty
Confer antonyms
refuse dishonor keep quiet be quiet taking deprive withhold disallow refrain take
Usage of Confer in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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