Confess meaning in hindi
As noun : कबूल करना Ex: Absolutely, A priest who confesses point who lacks the powers to confess
As verb :
अंगीकार करना Ex: to confess crime अएरना Ex: And I must confess to my shame and sorrow that I sometimes swore". आपने पापो को प्रकट रूप में स्वीकार करना Ex: We shall follow universality if we confess that one faith to be true इकबाल करना Ex: I confess I once gave Amanda for gone. पर विश्वास प्रकट करना Ex: be to confess पाप स्वीकार करना Ex: CONFESSION is said, in the Catholic Church, Action to confess his sins to a priest for God's forgiveness पुरोहित द्वारा पापों को स्नाजाना Ex: even told press that a person to confess the truth, to speak frankly मंनना ‡ Ex: Go to confess मानना Ex: Go to Mass, the sermon, to confess उ: काफ़ी लोगो का मानना है कि १३ अशुभ अंक है। संस्वीकार करना Ex: I avoûrai, for I confess
Other : स्वीकार करना Ex: He goes to confess to such a priest
Confess ki paribhasha : kisi ko poojya, aadaraniy ya yogy samajhana
ExamplesConfess synonyms
disclose reveal acknowledge confide prove divulge concede assert relate recognize profess declare blow attest avow snitch affirm leak grant vent evince manifest chirp fink own finger allow unload aver sing post narrate squeal come clean come out let on spill the beans weasel blurt out clue in dump on humble oneself level with make clean breast of own up rat on sound off spit out tip hand open one's heart Confess antonyms
conceal hide suppress refuse repudiate contradict disavow reject deny condemn veto withhold disown mask secrete keep Usage of Confess in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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