Confirmed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Confirmed
As noun : उस्तवार Ex:  He is a confirmed flatterer.
डिढ Ex:  The witnesses confirmed the victims account. दड्ढ Ex:  This work was confirmed by two other groups पक्का Ex:  Although not confirmed उ:   पक्का माकन बना ही नहीं सकते थे। मुस्तकिल Ex:  He also confirmed Timur's lameness. मुहकम Ex:  Several moons took several years to be confirmed
As adjective : पुष्टीकृत Ex:  The oldest confirmed recorded age for any human is 122 years स्थायीकृत Ex:  Prime Minister , who confirmed the plan. स्थिरीकृत Ex:  They also confirmed that the Great Red Spot was anticyclonic.
Other : अभिपुष्ट Ex:  She was Baptized and confirmed at the age of thirteen. परिपुष्ट Ex:  He early on stated,Tesla's experiments were confirmed by others.
Confirmed ki paribhasha : anaaj ya phal jo pusht hokar khaane ke yogy ho gaya ho
Confirmed synonyms
settled accepted proved ingrained worn seasoned hardened accustomed entrenched fixed habituated chronic deep-rooted deep-seated dyed-in-the-wool inveterate staid valid hard-shell inured firmly established long-established
Confirmed antonyms
indefinite infrequent sporadic uncommitted undecided unconfirmed
Usage of Confirmed in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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