Confluence meaning in hindi
As noun : जमावाड़ा Ex:  Pittsburgh is located at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers
जमावड़ा Ex:  Ottawa sits at the confluence of three major rivers: the Ottawa River तोयव्यतिकर Ex:  The Missouri begins at the confluence of the Madison मिल कर बहना Ex:  At the confluence of the Luangwa it enters Mozambique. लगिमा Ex:  Situated at the confluence of two major rivers वींखा Ex:  Before its confluence संक्षर Ex:  Just above Phnom Penh is the confluence with the Tonle Sap संगम Ex:  This delta is formed by the confluence of the Ganges उ: प्रयागराज गंगा-यमुना नदियों के संगम पर स्थित है। संप्रवाह Ex:  Montreal lies at the confluence of several climatic regions. सम्मिलन Ex:  Pine Creek, and Smith Creek to their confluence at the Lewis River. उ: इन चीजों का सम्मिलन प्रभावशाली सिद्ध हुआ है। सयोग Ex:  Near the confluence of the Toutle's north and south forks at Silver Lake सांगत्य Ex:  Beyond this confluence
Confluence ki paribhasha : lagaataar kram ya silasila ve sab chitthiyaaan aur paarsal aadi jo dak se bheji jaayan stri aur purush ka snyog
ExamplesConfluence synonyms
junction assemblage gathering assembly crowd union concurrence host conflux concourse convergence mob meeting multitude concursion Confluence antonyms
separation division Usage of Confluence in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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