Conformation meaning in hindi
As noun : अंगढ़ग Ex:  Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin determined the spatial conformation of the molecule
अनुकूलता Ex:  Which conformation DNA adopts depends on the sequence of the DNA अनुपालन Ex:  In conformation shows उ: अनुपालन के लिए नोड्स को आसानी से सत्यापित किया जा सकता है। अनुरूपता Ex:  When conformation standards are applied to mixed-breed dogs उ: अनुरूपता का सिद्धांत वस्तुवाद से गठित है और सर्वमान्य सा है। उरेहनापु Ex:  This rotational conformation is a compromise between the anti conformer किबो Ex:  being that kind against a conformation गुंफ Ex:  Good conformation ठटनि,ठटनी Ex:  He also said, in ordinary language, more or less characteristic facial conformation निर्मिति Ex:  Human Body Part, which is at the end of arms extending from the wrist to the fingertips, which is used to grip, which is the main organ of touch and its own conformation makes any kind of actions and works पसंदोदगी Ex:  It sometimes means the conformation or the outer part of the mouth प्रवाच्य Ex:  Medicine Vice conformation भूखारी Ex:  The air resulting from the external conformation of the person, and mainly Face मुआफिकत Ex:  The conformation of organs रचना Ex:  The inner conformation of the human body उ: इसकी रचना अंग्रेजी में की गई थी। राजी ‡ Ex:  There are between these two species of animals great an exact similarity of conformation विधानविधि Ex:  There are two entre thesis species of animals great an exact similarity of conformation विफाक Ex:  This animal is a singular conformation सद्दशता Ex:  Vice conformation सन्निवेश Ex:  Who conformation against Nature समनुरुप समनुरुपण समनुरूपण समान―रूपण सरजाना सर्जना सांमुख्य सानुकूल्य सिरजन हृद्यत्व
Other : बनावट Ex:  System according to which the skull conformation shows the various faculties or provisions of the human spirit उ: अर्थात बोरोबुदुर के शिखर की मूल बनावट ज्ञात नहीं है।
Conformation ki paribhasha : taratib ya kram se rakhana
ExamplesConformation synonyms
symmetry figure cast frame arrangement anatomy framework form build formation configuration type structure outline Usage of Conformation in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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