Conformity meaning in hindi
As noun : अनुकूलता Ex:  his conformity was only pretending
अनुपालन Ex:  Stanley Milgram's infamous conformity experiments are explicitly referenced उ: इनका अनुपालन सुनिश्चित करने हेतु भी संस्थान कार्यरत है। अनुरूपता Ex:  In conformity with the British model उ: यह अनुरूपता सिद्धांत का स्पष्ट समर्थन है। एकान्विति Ex:  In conformity with Zappa’s eclectic approach to music ऐक्य Ex:  In conformity with the British model गूर्ति Ex:  Character of what is true, conformity of a story of a relationship with a fact, what is said with what the we think पसंदोदगी Ex:  It is also used figuratively and signifies Agreement, conformity of ideas, feelings, etc भूखारी Ex:  The conformity of anything with other मुआफिकत Ex:  The conformity to the will of God, the submission of his own will to that of God राजी ‡ Ex:  Union between several people, caused by conformity of wills, feelings, ideas विफाक सद्दशता सहमति उ: महामहोपाद्याय काणे ने भी इससे सहमति व्यक्त की है। सांकेत्य सांमुख्य सांविद्य सानुकूल्य हतता हृद्यत्व
Other : अनुसारिता Ex:  The State Court rules on the conformity of laws with the constitution. समनुरुपता समनुरूपता स्वीकार या अनुसार स्वीकार उ: वर उसे स्वीकार करता है।
ExamplesUsage of Conformity in sentences
The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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