Confuse meaning in hindi
As noun : अस्त व्यस्त करना Ex:  These questions confuse even the experts
बिथराना Ex:  It said, in terms of hunting, Action deer returning on itself, that is to say on the same tracks, to divert and confuse dogs हींडना Ex:  These two things, these twins are so much alike, that I often confuse, confuse one with the other
As verb : उलझन में पड़ना Ex:  She did not confuse these objects with food उलझा देना Ex:  However, dichromats often confuse red and green items. एक को दूसरा समझना Ex:  He says that “courts often confuse sex गड़बड़ा देना Ex:  Beating, confuse the घबडा जाना Ex:  By civility, Your praises confuse me, said when receiving any excessive praise and that we want to defend घबड़ा जाना Ex:  It also tells of Action to confuse one thing with another and the result of this action भर्मित करना Ex:  It should not confuse the author with his namesake मिलवना Ex:  It should not take one for the other, confuse one with the other मिलाना Ex:  More frequently said in this sense confuse मेरवना Ex:  Putting together two or more things and confuse मेराना Ex:  See distinctly an object so as to not confuse it with one or more other मेलना Ex:  Such insolence must confuse you
Other : अस्तव्यस्त कर देना Ex:  Don't confuse the old ones with the new ones . चकरा देना Ex:  must be avoided to confuse spiritual matters and temporal affairs, spiritual interests and temporal interests भ्रम में डालना Ex:  It means, figuratively and familiarly Search to put the disorder in a case, to confuse
Confuse ki paribhasha : lakadi aadi men bal dalan ya tedha karana ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana
ExamplesConfuse synonyms
unsettle perturb puzzle disconcert confound mortify worry complicate amaze astonish daze perplex bemuse muddle frustrate baffle fluster embarrass trouble mystify misinform befuddle upset distract mislead demoralize obscure bedevil discomfit discompose darken stump faze nonplus rattle unhinge shame abash fog clutter becloud discountenance addle mess up throw off disorient lead astray render uncertain stir up throw off balance disorganize entangle rumple mingle discombobulate blend disarray tumble encumber litter embroil tousle jumble intermingle disorder disarrange mistake bedlamize discreate muss up snarl up Confuse antonyms
calm soothe explain comfort enlighten facilitate explicate aid assist organize order settle please clarify clear up expect illuminate encourage help support separate exclude untangle tidy neaten untwist divide clean up arrange uncomplicate unmix Usage of Confuse in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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