Confusing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Confusing
As noun : पेचीदा Ex:  Many of the confusing species are amongst the least known of all seabirds उ:   यह इस्तेमाल बड़े ही पेचीदा और अभूतपूर्व तरीक़े से किया गया था।
मुश्किल Ex:  Then, in 1613, they reappeared again, further confusing Galileo. संकीन Ex:  I'm lost, you get lost, the mind gets lost is said in speaking of a thing so confusing that comes to no longer understand anything
As verb : अमूझा Ex:  The theory was utterly confusing for me. अस्पष्ट Ex:  The narrow alleys of the city formed a very confusing maze. उ:   एक झील के माध्यम से लंबाई को कैसे मापा जाए यह अस्पष्ट हो सकता है। गोमगा Ex:  That's too confusing . छायावेष्टित Ex:  In a confusing series of votes in February 2003 धुमैली Ex:  This can be confusing and not always accurate म्लिष्ट Ex:  Constantine would spread lies about his age, further confusing the issue. विजल्पित Ex:  Also confusing to beginners संदिग्घ Ex:  State what is confusing
As adjective : भ्रमोत्पादक Ex:  This is quite naturally confusing
Other : भ्रामक Ex:  The definition is seen by many as arbitrary and confusing उ:   एनरॉन का पतन भ्रामक वित्तीय रिपोर्टिंग का एक उदाहरण है।
Confusing synonyms
perplexing upsetting baffling complex complicated difficult mystifying unsettling involved confounding disconcerting bewildering blurring disorienting befuddling
Confusing antonyms
clear easy plain simple orderly reassuring
Usage of Confusing in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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