Confusion meaning in hindi
As noun : अंधाधुँध Ex: the army retreated in confusion
अस्तव्यस्तता Ex: There is lot of confusion about the new tax policy. उ: १३वीं सदी तक धर्म के क्षेत्र में बड़ी अस्तव्यस्तता आ गई। ईहाम Ex: 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 To prevent confusion and double counting खिच़ड़ी Ex: The confusion has been promoted by the popular Soviet TV quiz show Что? गड़बड़ Ex: To add to the regional confusion उ: फिर कमरे में आकर वे देखतें हैं कि बिस्तर सब गड़बड़ किए गए हैं। गड़बड़ Ex: There is some confusion about this claim because La Paz गोलमाल Ex: The notation using the "arc-" prefix avoids such confusion उ: गोलमाल श्रृंखला की अगली फिल्म गोलमाल रिटर्न्स भी हिट रही। चित्तविभ्रम Ex: This arrangement led to confusion and chaos both at the front and at home. द्विधाद्वंद्व Ex: be covered with shame, confusion निभृत Ex: By extension, it also means Lower mortifying in giving the confusion पिच्चित व्रण Ex: Disorder, quarrel, confusion भान्ति Ex: Giving someone the finger, the chastising, make him suffer some pain, some damage, some confusion भूलचूक Ex: He has no plural and it is not usual that in these phrases: Guess share, removing part, betting confusion भृम Ex: He reigns in this book is great confusion भोल ‡ Ex: He said, figuratively and familiarly of Any sudden and unexpected change brings disorder, confusion भ्रम Ex: I confess, to my confusion उ: लोग भ्रम वश इस पर्व को विश्वकर्मा जयंति मानते हे। मतिभ्रम Ex: In terms of medicine, Alienation of mind or insanity, confusion of mind, madness उ: मतिभ्रम या विषाक्तता शामिल की जांच की घटना। मतिविपर्यय Ex: It also works figuratively and signifies Be ashamed, experience confusion मुगालता Ex: It can not being, there is confusion मोह Ex: It has the disorder, confusion this family उ: इस मोह में उनका स्वार्थ संचित था। वाहिमा Ex: It is also used in the moral sense and means delusion, confusion of mind विभ्रांति Ex: It is making a strange confusion of words, to say that विष्वग्लोप Ex: It means figuratively Agitation, confusion, confusion वैक्लव Ex: It says figuratively, in the physical sense and moral sense, speaking of a Grand disorder, extreme confusion वैचित्य Ex: It was all garbled, he made every confusion वैधुर्य Ex: Make someone fall in confusion, experience Him, causing her great confusion वैहस्त्य Ex: not know where to put, to be in difficulty, extreme confusion संप्रमुग्ध Ex: Tangle, confusion संभ्रम Ex: The Army troops went in confusion उ: की अन्य धारणाओं के साथ कोई संभ्रम नहीं हो। सम्भ्रम Ex: The confusion of ideas संकुलता भ्रम Ex: The confusion of languages ह्रेपण Ex: The confusion of powers कशमकश
Other : उत्पात Ex: Responding to Arjuna's confusion and moral dilemma उ: इन नाटकों में उत्पात होने के कारण पोप ने इनका खेला जाना बंद कर दिया। उलझन Ex: Additional confusion may come from the adoption of several other "M1" weapons उलझाव Ex: To prevent confusion and double counting कचकचाहट Ex: Due to the confusion of anyone not from Indiana क्रमभंग Ex: There is some confusion about the number of "towns" in Pennsylvania. खरभर Ex: To avoid this confusion खलबल Ex: Because of this confusion गोल Ex: There is often confusion about his real Swedish name उ: पत्ते पाकर पत्तों के समान गोल होते हैं। गड़बड़ Ex: Adding more to the confusion गड़बड़ी Ex: In order to avoid this confusion घपला Ex: Amidst widespread confusion and chaos घबराहट Ex: This name has led to some confusion घबड़ाहट Ex: Patients may also develop seizures and confusion घमरौल Ex: Among the sources of confusion are: Two centuries later घाल Ex: This confusion arises because aerostat has two different meanings. घोटाला Ex: The syntactical confusion starts already in the Pompeian graffiti, e. उ: वास्तव में ये घोटाला हुआ ही नहीं था। चक्कर Ex: Later symptoms include confusion उ: इस मुकदमे की पैरवी के चक्कर में वह कई महीनों तक इंग्लैण्ड में रहे। परिभ्रम Ex: Delving into something with confusion and blurring everything in it भौचक्का Ex: His composure, his confusion, his confusion rather say that he is guilty मति Ex: In confusion loc उ: हालांकि पति की मति खराब करने में श्रीमती कभी कोई कसर नहीं छोड़ती। विभ्रम Ex: It is figuratively called Any kind of confusion
Confusion ki paribhasha : do paraspar bhinn vastuon ki aisi milaavat jisamen ek se doosare ko alag karana kathin ho ek prakaar ka kaavyaa- lnkaar kisi chij ya baat ko kuchh ka kuchh samajhana idhar udhar ghoomata hua
ExamplesConfusion synonyms
turmoil bewilderment embarrassment turbulence distraction demoralization pother puzzlement bemusement flap dither chagrin tumult agitation commotion befuddlement perturbation fluster stew abashment perplexity discomfiture lather disturbing embarrassing perplexing unsettling upsetting abashing addling befuddling blurring cluttering confounding disarranging discomfiting dumbfounding embroiling mixup mystification obscuring stirring up tangling complication upheaval disarray chaos anarchy difficulty complexity consternation trouble dislocation mistake wilderness shambles racket jumble tangle row intricacy labyrinth haze fog stupefaction daze ferment surprise astonishment riot mess muddle imbroglio fracas ado untidiness discomposure pandemonium uproar disorganization bustle hodge-podge emotional upset Confusion antonyms
calm happiness calmness clarity orientation composure peace order organization sense method system simplicity tranquility contentment tidiness clearness expectation harmony ease neatness agreement understanding Usage of Confusion in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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