Congregate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Congregate
As verb : उपसंगमन Ex:  Carpet-franc, Cabaret, where thieves congregate
एकत्र करना या हो जाना Ex:  Carpet-franc, Cabaret, Where thieves congregate एकत्र होना Ex:  It means in terms of theater, the town hall where the actors and Celle congregate where viewers can go to spend time intermissions, to converse and where they once made to heat एकीभवन, एकीभाव झरकाना मेलना सन्निवेश समवधान समवायन
Other : इकट्ठा होना Ex:  1987.Bald Eagles will also congregate in certain locations in winter. एकत्रित होना Ex:  Physics receiver where sound waves congregate जमा होना
Congregate ki paribhasha : do bhinn bhinn padaarthon ka ek hona
Congregate synonyms
throng gather converge swarm flock teem raise besiege muster rendezvous corral rally collect convoke concentrate mass convene meet pack congress round up bunch up forgather gang around gang up hang out make the scene meet up
Congregate antonyms
disperse scatter divide separate spread distribute cancel
Usage of Congregate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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