Congregation meaning in hindi
As noun : इंस्टिट्यूट Ex: a congregation of children pleaded for his autograph
एकत्रीकरण Ex: He sought to make the Gospel comprehensible to the congregation उ: अधिकांश एकत्रीकरण दक्षिणपूर्व एशिया में संपन्न होता है। एसेंब्ली Ex: Holy Ghost People : documentary on a congregation in Scrabble Creek कमिटी Ex: Within each local congregation जनवास Ex: The Roman Catholic congregation comprises approximately 170 members. दरगह Ex: Temples were not places of public worship or congregation धर्मसंघ Ex: Christian Doctrine, name of a congregation of regular clerics instituted to catechize the people and educate the mysteries of faith उ: धर्मसंघ का दायरा संकुचित नहीं, अत्यन्त विशाल है। धार्मिक सभा Ex: His speech made a great impression on the congregation धार्मिक समाज Ex: Member of a congregation called the Priests of the Society of Mary, dedicated to the missions, teaching or preaching परिसमहन Ex: Member of the Oratory congregation प्रार्थना सभा Ex: Mother House, in ecclesiastical language, Main house where senior resident of a congregation of the one or the other sex भक्त मंडली Ex: One of the two genres, one that is part of a congregation भक्तगण Ex: Roll Call, Action successively calling by name the members of a congregation उ: भक्तगण दूर से केवल इसका दर्शन ही कर सकते हैं। मण्डली Ex: The church is the congregation उ: ब्राजील में ईसाई मण्डली एक इंजील मज़हब है। वर्गणा Ex: The congregation of the faithful is called All who belong to the universal संसत्, संसद् Ex: The priest blesses the congregation संसाद Ex: The proposal he made all the congregation rebelled, revolted everybody सद Ex: There was a split in the congregation the day after its installation सभा Ex: This excited the clamours of the congregation उ: सभा में खलबली मच गई। संकुलन Ex: This is one of the best minds of the congregation
Other : धर्मसभा Ex: He stood on this subject a congregation of cardinals मजलिस Ex: TERTIARY also works as a male name in terms Religious and says Members of an order-thirds affiliated with a religious congregation उ: मजलिस के इतिहास को दो हिस्सों में बांटा जा सकता है।
Congregation ki paribhasha : vah sthaan jahaaan baithakar nyaayaadhish nyaay kare vah sthaan jahaaan bahut se log milakar baithe hon
ExamplesCongregation synonyms
throng crowd parish gathering audience flock confab laity assembly muster turnout company aggregation collection host multitude sit-in meet following meeting public assemblage get-together disciples parishioners churchgoers Congregation antonyms
separation division Usage of Congregation in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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