Conscientiously meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Conscientiously
As noun : कर्तव्यनिष्ठा से Ex:  Confiez- him what work he will discharge conscientiously
As adverb :
अन्तः करण Ex:  Acting conscientiously ईमानदारी से Ex:  By extension, This historian conscientiously documenting निष्ठापूर्वक Ex:  In conscientiously शुद्ध अन्तःकरण से Ex:  In terms of the Arts, this is done properly, said of a Work performed conscientiously and not without some merit
Conscientiously synonyms
warily delicately laboriously gingerly deliberately correctly scrupulously precisely exactly honorably particularly reliably discreetly rigorously anxiously meticulously prudently thoughtfully attentively circumspectly concernedly dependably fastidiously guardedly heedfully in detail providently punctiliously regardfully solicitously trustily uprightly vigilantly watchfully with forethought with reservations properly evenly honestly objectively sincerely squarely decently dispassionately equitably ethically impartially lawfully legitimately righteously virtuously without bias without prejudice intensely very intensively wholly completely earnestly highly extremely exceedingly exceptionally flat out hard inside out notably throughout remarkably painstakingly comprehensively assiduously efficiently whole hog from a to z from top to bottom hugely in and out strikingly sweepingly through and through unremittingly up and down strongly closely smoothly successfully accurately effectively adequately agreeably competently excellently favorably profoundly satisfactorily splendidly suitably adeptly admirably capitally commendably expertly famously in a satisfactory manner irreproachably proficiently skillfully soundly with skill truly devotedly resolutely firmly constantly obediently doubtlessly steadfastly staunchly submissively trustworthily appropriately fairly justly truthfully laudably respectably
Conscientiously antonyms
incompletely partially inadequately carelessly incautiously thoughtlessly uncarefully inaccurately incorrectly unfairly unjustly indirectly wrongly inappropriately unsuitably little partly superficially deficiently inexhaustively mistakenly insufficiently badly unpleasantly incapably dishonorably worthlessly unfortunately unsuccessfully
Usage of Conscientiously in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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