Consecrate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Consecrate
As adjective : अकिल्विष Ex:  To enter consecrated life a member must consecrate himself or herself to God. अतहार Ex:  A monument was erected to consecrate the memory of this victory अदंब Ex:  Action to bless, to consecrate the cult , divine service with certain ceremonies अभिविनीत Ex:  consecrating priest, who said Mass and consecrate the sacred species अमनिया Ex:  It rostral columns erected to consecrate the memory of victories over sea अर्पण किया हुआ Ex:  To dedicate, consecrate a temple आनरेबुल ईश्वरपूजक उल्लाघ उशत् कृतशौच तीर्थीभूत तैर्थिक तोरादार धार्मिक कार्य के लिए उत्सर्ग कर देना धूतकल्मष निरूपस्कृत पवनि पवित्र उ:   यह पवित्र मन्दाकिनी नदी के तट पर बसा है। पाकोजा पो पौण्य प्रतिष्ठित उ:   रथन्तरसाम अग्नि में प्रतिष्ठित है । प्रतिष्ठित्र प्रवीत फरच, फरचा मुबर्रा मुस्तफा मुहतरम मेघ्य मोअज्जिज यज्ञिय लब्धप्रतिष्ठ वकीअ विनिर्मल वैतान शुंध्यु शुद्घ संप्रकल्पित हैसियतदार
Consecrate ki paribhasha : baadhaashaanti ya mngal ke liye mntr padhakar kush aur doob se jal chhidkana kusha ki bani hui pavitri jise shraadghaadi men aanguliyon men pahanate hain
Consecrate synonyms
bless sanctify dedicate ordain beatify anoint devote hallow exalt venerate honor set apart
Consecrate antonyms
condemn curse damn disallow desecrate denounce deprecate
Usage of Consecrate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb, adjective or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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