Consistence meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Consistence
As noun : गाढ़ापन
तालमेल उ:   उसका फ़्रांस के राजदूत जिल डे ला पॉमेरी के साथ शानदार तालमेल था। सामंजस्य उ:   इस बात पर वैदिक और अवैदिक परंपराओं में किसी हद तक सामंजस्य है। सुसंगति
Consistence ki paribhasha : kisi vishay ka gyaan praapt karane ke liye baar baar prashn karane ki kriya thik jagah par karine se rakhana ya baithaana vaishamy ya virodh aadi ka abhaav
Consistence synonyms
body density feel makeup viscosity texture thickness firmness constancy faithfulness uniformity continuation coherence congruity unity reliability harmony steadfastness
Consistence antonyms
thinness discord fighting changeableness inconstancy disagreement
Usage of Consistence in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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