Console meaning in hindi
As noun : दीवारगीर Ex: The Challenge Set included the console
शोभाकोष्ठक Ex: The console is bundled with a game, Wii Sports. सान्त्वनाएना Ex: In terms of Arts, he said in a Small carpentry console for supporting tablets ढाँचा उ: इस प्रकार संपूर्ण ढाँचा निम्नतम आधार पर अवलंबित होता है।
As verb : ढाढ़स देना Ex: For instance, a dedicated console controller might consist of only a दिलासा देना Ex: The first commercially available game console दिलासा Ex: The best-selling gaming console of its time in Asia and North America शान्ति देना Ex: Each of the tools is called a console शुक नासिका Ex: 2005. The Nintendo GameCube is Nintendo’s sixth generation game console सान्तवना देना Ex: In the Japan region, the Wii Sports game is not included with the console सान्त्वना देना Ex: The company develops and publishes its own video games for this console सान्त्वना या दिलासा देना Ex: The MAX was intended to be a game console with limited computing capability.
Other : सान्त्वना Ex: Absolutely, Let us go to Him who console
Console ki paribhasha : ashvini nakshatr diya aadi rakhane ka aadhaar jo divaar men lagaaya jaata hai kisi vastu ki rachana ki praarnbhik avastha men sthool roop se snyojit angon ki samashti
ExamplesConsole synonyms
soothe assuage solace encourage upraise cheer lift calm inspirit gladden animate tranquilize buck up condole with express sympathy untrouble Console antonyms
worry dispirit dissuade annoy antagonize sadden upset depress discourage agitate disturb hurt trouble Usage of Console in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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