Consonance meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Consonance
As noun : अनुरूप्य Ex:  In consonance with Aristotle and Aquinas उ:   अनुरूप्य एक विस्तृत रेंज में भिन्न हो सकती हैं।
तालमेल Ex:  It also means that the consonance ratings are two remote from one another than eight degrees, the two extremes included उ:   संवाद और तालमेल बेहद सुलझा हुआ था। संवादिता Ex:  The actual fifth is a perfect consonance सामंजस्य उ:   उनके द्वन्द्व और तनावों को सामंजस्य की आवश्यकता थी। स‌ंस्वनता
Other : मेल Ex:  Music Who gives that product consonance or Who is formed by sounding उ:   वे अंग्रेजी में मेल खाते हैं।
Consonance ki paribhasha : vaishamy ya virodh aadi ka abhaav
Consonance synonyms
conformity correspondence accord concert suitableness concord congruence chorus congruity harmony chime tune
Consonance antonyms
disunity discord incompatibility incongruity nonconformity disagreement dissonance incongruence
Usage of Consonance in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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