Constancy meaning in hindi
As noun : अचंचलता Ex:  early mariners relied on the constancy of the trade winds
इस्तिहकाम Ex:  These propositions were the constancy of the velocity of light थापणि Ex:  For an hour you expect, you have constancy थीती Ex:  Fortune has exercised experienced the constancy of this philosopher थैरज Ex:  He also said, either absolutely or with an adjective, speaking of Courage , the fortitude, constancy थ्यावस Ex:  He has no love constancy of ध्रुवका Ex:  He pursued this plan with great constancy नियमितता Ex:  It also means With insurance, authority constancy नैश्चल्य Ex:  Patience book, Work that requires mainly time and constancy स्तिमित Ex:  The constancy of its principles स्तैमित्य Ex:  Undaunted constancy स्थाम Ex:  Who constancy स्थास्नुता Ex:  You have to have good constancy to support so many vagaries स्थिरता Ex:  , It is a work of patience, It is a work that requires mostly time and constancy उ: उस समय ऐसा प्रतीत होता था कि आपके जीवन में स्थिरता आ गई है। स्थेमा Ex:  , Making against bad fortune, good fortune against heart Arming constancy in misfortune स्थैर्य Ex:  , where it is necessary to show firmness, courage, constancy
Other : वफ़ादारी Ex:  Show, show constancy against pain समरूप Ex:  The constancy of his love, his friendship उ: समरूप मिश्रण में रेजिन और तेल को ओलेओरिंस कहा जाता है।
ExamplesConstancy synonyms
perseverance steadiness steadfastness truthfulness love honesty earnestness allegiance stability regularity doggedness eagerness fidelity integrity fealty uniformity permanence surety decision attachment tenacity ardor loyalty determination firmness faith zeal certainty honor principle adherence resolution endurance devotion dependability trustworthiness unchangeableness devotedness trustiness staunchness abidingness unfailingness Constancy antonyms
dislike hate hatred dishonesty treachery disloyalty enmity instability unsteadiness apathy disgrace dishonor indecision indefiniteness indifference irresolution weakness doubt hesitation uncertainty fluctuation lying wavering disinterest vacillation change changeableness inconstancy irregularity Usage of Constancy in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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