Constraint meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Constraint
As noun : अपने भावों को रोकना Ex:  She was constraint in her dealings with her guests.
अभिभव Ex:  This seemed a logical constraint by the Party leaders अवरोध Ex:  Oxygen exchange at the surface is an important constraint उ:   ये कोशिकाओं की आयुवृद्धि और असामान्य विभाजन में अवरोध पैदा करते हैं। असहजता Ex:  Because of this constraint कृत्रिमता Ex:  This lower limit has been a significant constraint in cosmology. उ:   उनका जीवन कृत्रिमता से दूर सादगी में रमा होता है। ठठैरी Ex:  Awarding a constraint दबाव Ex:  constraint उ:   इस दबाव को वाष्प दबाव कहते हैं। निबाध Ex:  constraint Plate, inconvenient निरूपलेप Ex:  It still means, literally as well as figuratively, Who in a big constraint in large subjection परिवद्ध Ex:  Living in the constraint प्रतिबंध Ex:  Peace and Comfortable, quiet life, without constraint and without care उ:   उनके परिवार पर भी प्रतिबंध लगाए गए। प्रतिबन्धी Ex:  PRESSURE said figuratively is a legal constraint exerted on people Kind बनावटी बर्ताव Ex:  Slavery rhyme, The constraint it imposes बहुत अधिक नियंत्रण Ex:  The constraint imposed decorum मुक्तबंधन Ex:  To act without constraint यमन Ex:  Use the constraint उ:   जब वे सोलह वर्ष के थे तो एडन, यमन चले गए। रोकटोक Ex:  WEIGH still means, figuratively, someone on Exercise an influence, a kind of moral constraint वाध, वाधन Ex:  With freedom, frankly, without constraint विहनन Ex:  , tighten the screws to someone on Exercise her rigorous constraint व्यवरोध Ex:  This actor cold action constraint संबर सन्निबर्हण सिखला स्तिभि स्तिभि
Other : जबरदस्ती Ex:  A constraint posture नियन्त्रण Ex:  For one voluntarily, of his own will, without constraint उ:   बाद में इन्हें भारत सरकार द्वारा अपने नियन्त्रण में ले लिया गया। मजबूरी Ex:  The constraint of rhyme उ:   मजबूरी तब से और मजबूत हुई है, जैसा कि इसने भावना को बढ़ावा दिया है।
Constraint ki paribhasha : kisi ki ichchha ke viruddh balapoorvak koi kaam karana aisi sthiti jisase chal ya badh na sake .... nigrahasthaan yog men chitt ki samast vuttiyon ko rokana jisamen abhyaas aur vairaagy ki aavashyakata hoti hain dnd jo kisi ko dabaane ke liye diya jaata hai
Constraint synonyms
restraint pressure motive necessity driving spring violence goad repression coercion suppression hang-up compulsion spur duress monkey impulsion a must impelling no-no inhibition diffidence modesty timidity embarrassment humility reservation bashfulness reserve curb hindrance limitation cramp detention arrest confinement circumscription damper deterrent check captivity constrainment
Constraint antonyms
deterrent hindrance liberty permission discouragement freedom aggression allowance liberation boldness arrogance confidence pride encouragement release
Usage of Constraint in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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