Consultant meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Consultant
As noun : अंगदकार Ex:  The financial consultant topped out at age 40 because he was burned out
ऐडवाइजर Ex:  His uncle set him up as a tax consultant . गदशत्रु Ex:  Aubrey worked as a consultant for Brandon Tartikoff during the 1980s चिकित्सक Ex:  The production staff employs a cultural consultant उ:   उनके माता-पिता भारतीय सेना में चिकित्सक थे। धीमंत्री Ex:  It functions as a consultant to the Indian Railways on technical matters. परामर्श चिकित्सक Ex:  medical consultant प्राणपति बैदंगर भीपज रोगहा रोगहारी रोजज्ञ सलाहकार उ:   शिक्षा के केंद्रीय सलाहकार बोर्ड।
Consultant ki paribhasha : rog door karane ka upaay karane— vaala
Consultant synonyms
specialist veteran expert counsel authority maven master mentor guide freelancer
Usage of Consultant in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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