Consume meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Consume
As verb : अभ्यवहरण Ex:  While they generally do not consume it
आँचना Ex:  It can consume large amounts of food at once आशि Ex:  Jews consume unleavened bread called Matza during Passover. उजवालना Ex:  Occasionally they have been known to consume humans and human corpses उपचूलन Ex:  Nine provinces and two cities consume the power from it, including Shanghai. कवलना Ex:  An adult elephant can consume 140–270 kg of food a day. काम में लाना या व्यय करना Ex:  Smaller fish consume more oxygen per gram of body weight than larger fish. खाधना Ex:  These seals consume over 63 million tonnes of krill each year. खाना Ex:  All seals consume 63–130 million tonnes उ:   आधी रात, दोपहर, सुबह एवं शाम के समय खाना मना है। जग्ध Ex:  Chileans and Uruguayans regularly consume wine जलाना Ex:  Ecuadorians commonly consume sopa or locro de cuy, a soup dish. उ:   पीपल के नीचे दीपक जलाना चाहिए व हनुमान जी की पूजा-उपासना करना चाहिए। जेँवना Ex:  Peruvians consume an estimated 65 million guinea pigs each year डाढ़ना Ex:  Most nations produce and consume the bulk of their butter domestically. ढोँकना Ex:  The laptop will consume about 2 W of power during normal use ताचना Ex:  Animals that consume only or mostly animals are carnivores. धधकारना Ex:  For those who do not consume eggs धुधराना Ex:  Even though they consume more saturated fats than Americans निष्टपन Ex:  Uruguayans, Brazilians, Bolivians, and Venezuelans regularly consume wine. पी जाना Ex:  By extension, Lead away someone, when it comes to things that spend or consume means long Provide the needs of someone, take him long प्राणोपहार Ex:  He said again, figuratively and familiarly to those that consume the good of others प्राशु Ex:  It also means colloquially quickly consume प्सा Ex:  It also said the same people, compared to the food they consume प्सान Ex:  It is also working substantively and said, in terms of political economy, Those who create, through their work, agricultural or industrial products, as opposed to those who use it, which consume बर्बाद करना Ex:  It is said to similar effect consume a crime भछना Ex:  Jurisprudence Who can be replaced by something similar, as are all those who consume through use, and which are set by number, weight or measure भर उठना Ex:  Spending, consume lavishly भुंचना Ex:  These jams consume a lot of sugar भोजनवृत्ति Ex:  , Making profit is said, in the domestic economy, the things that do not consume too quickly and are an economic use, advantageous मसकाना Ex:  , This is sufficient to finish, consume That's what his ruin, his loss, his misfortune मिस्कीट वल्मन विष्वाण वुकुद शरीरस्थिति संघुक्षण संप्रतापन समाश
Other : क्षय होना Ex:  Some tropical microbes can quickly consume acids खर्च Ex:  Cattle sometimes consume metal objects which are deposited in the reticulum उ:   इसके निर्माण में करीब ९९ लाख रुपए का खर्च आया था। नष्ट हो जाना Ex:  Transportation facilities consume land व्यय करना
Consume ki paribhasha : aalamaari, mej ya sndook aadi men chijen rakhane ke liye patariyon ya takhton ke dvaara kiya hua vibhaag kisi padaarth ko agni ke snyog se angaare ya lapat ke roop men kar dena
Consume synonyms
exhaust expend dominate eat up absorb preoccupy drain employ devour deplete waste spend obsess trifle finish squander lessen utilize engross lavish drivel dissipate go apply monopolize vanish go through put away run through throw away wear out fritter away avail oneself of finish up frivol away have recourse to profit by put to use run out of wash up feed inhale ingest guzzle swallow mow gulp snack swill punish nibble down wolf take ingurgitate partake gobble gorge scarf bolt meal polish off put down hoover chow down toss down stuff one's face devastate overwhelm ruin ravage demolish annihilate wreck suppress decay crush extinguish raze lay waste
Consume antonyms
create hoard accumulate store fast construct save fill appear collect gather neglect not use starve build nibble abstain release help repair encourage let go
Usage of Consume in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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