Containment meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Containment
As noun : उपसंयम Ex:  If refrigerated or frozen without containment
कंट्रोल Ex:  Gordon enters a containment apparatus उ:   चिया सीड्स के सेवन से कोलेस्ट्रॉल कंट्रोल रहता है। धरपकड़ Ex:  Ebullism is slowed by the pressure containment of blood vessels नियंत्रण उ:   क्रियाओं पर नियंत्रण बनाये रखने से है। परिरोधन संगृहीति संयम्य
Other : काबू Ex:  With full containment in July of 2003 उ:   परजीवी दूसरे आदमियों पर काबू पाने में। संरोधन
Containment ki paribhasha : kisi padaarth ko apane oopar rakhana athava apane kisi ang men lena sarakaar dbaara kisi vastu ke moolya, samaan vitaran aadi par lagaaya jaanevaala pratibndh
Containment synonyms
discipline management force government restraint jurisdiction domination rule regulation curb supervision oversight authority regimentation weight ascendancy clout supremacy juice check guidance charge might direction subordination bridle manipulation limitation sway dominion qualification determination superintendence inside track upper hand subjection ropes predomination strings wire pulling driver's seat constraint stricture stipulation condition demarcation handicap lock circumscription cramp glitch inhibition confinement brake hang-up catch reservation stint custody contraction ball and chain fine print stumbling block limits bounds excess baggage grain of salt no-no small difficulty
Containment antonyms
chaos disorganization lawlessness advantage weakness inability relinquishment neglect freedom mismanagement helplessness powerlessness renouncement permission liberation enlargement expansion allowance release
Usage of Containment in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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