Contemplate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Contemplate
As verb : अनुध्यान करना Ex:  Under the present circumstances the government can not even contemplate demilitarizing the Kargil sector.
अवीक्षण Ex:  His encroaching deafness led him to contemplate suicide . अवेक्षा करना Ex:  During 1989 Prost began to contemplate starting his own team इरादा करना ध्यान करना ध्यान से देखना ध्यानना विचार करना विमासना सोचना उ:   यह नहीं सोचना चाहिए कि बालक क्या समझता है? यह बड़ी भ्रान्ति है। सौँरना०
Other : इच्छा करना Ex:  Action to contemplate चिन्तन उ:   वहीं सामधेनी की रचना कवि के सामाजिक चिन्तन के अनुरुप हुई है।
Contemplate ki paribhasha : kisi prakaar ka nirnay karake parinaam nikaalane ya bhavitavy ko jaanane ke liye buddhi ka upayog karana
Contemplate synonyms
ponder foresee consider aim weigh propose intend envisage mean speculate deliberate study mind excogitate observe design expect percolate ruminate purpose take in mull over think of aspire to brood over chew over cool out kick around meditate on muse over perpend reflect upon size up notice examine audit pierce regard eye inspect scan probe peruse scrutinize survey peer penetrate behold pry witness view pore over stare at
Contemplate antonyms
ignore reject disregard discard scorn slight forget neglect look away disbelieve overlook
Usage of Contemplate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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