Content meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Content
As noun : अनकाम Ex:  It also allows ISPs to prioritise and control certain web content types where dictacted by technical or economic reasons.
अभिकांक्षी Ex:  The form and structure of these replies are scored and not the content आरजूमंद Ex:  Renaissance authors were not content to rest on the laurels of ancient authors इच्छुक Ex:  Insects have a higher protein content than meat उ:   वह मॉडल बनने की इच्छुक राधिका के साथ लिव-इन रिश्ते में जुड़ा है। इष्म Ex:  Additional fermentable sugars are sometimes added to increase alcohol content काति Ex:  The Lacedaemonians were not content with simply sending aid to Sicily गविष्ठि Ex:  The style and content was heavily influenced by Byzantine art गृध्नु Ex:  Carbon dioxide content in fresh air varies between 0.03% and 0.06% तमत Ex:  In response, OLPC made plans for adding content filters. तिशनालन Ex:  William was very content with the victory तृषु Ex:  The lyrical content of hardcore songs निहित वस्तु Ex:  Because genres are dependent on content for definition परितृप्ति Ex:  Some health effects are due to the caffeine content of coffee उ:   परितृप्ति भूख का अभाव है। बांछी Ex:  Not known for social content in its commercial form माट्रा Ex:  We are involved in content development across all media platforms". मात्रा Ex:  Health content has existed on Sesame Street for years but to a limited extent. उ:   बहुत अधिक मात्रा में उत्पादन और खपत होती है। मुबलिग Ex:  The style and content of those letters were said to resemble Pynchon's मेकदार Ex:  Remaining books do contain some additional content मौताद Ex:  The theological content is derivative लुबुधा Ex:  Though Christians largely agree on the content of the Bible वंछिक Ex:  The content of a window may be destroyed in some conditions विषय वस्तु Ex:  The two seem relatively content as Norma continues working on her script. विषय सूची Ex:  However, the government strictly censors content and controls access. सतृष Ex:  Java applets, inline multimedia, and the PICS system for content metadata. सन्तुष्ट Ex:  Doc objects are used when the content type won't be embedded in HTML . उ:   सदैव सन्तुष्ट रखूँगी। सन्तोष Ex:  An open content film is much like an independent film उ:   तीर्थस्थान एक ऐसा स्थल है जहां लोग प्रेरणा और सन्तोष के लिये जाते हैं। हलाक Ex:  Scientists disagree on the content of the genus
As verb : सन्तुष्ट करना Ex:  The content is indexed in a database file, known as Index.
Other : अंतर्वस्तु अंश Ex:  I have learned that whatever state I am, therewith to be content अंतर्वस्तु विषय Ex:  Helping students to contextualize content इतमीनान Ex:  The alcohol content of beer varies by local practice or beer style. कथ्य Ex:  Je suis content de vous . उ:   नए कवि ने किसी भी कथ्य को त्याज्य नहीं समझा है। तत्व Ex:  Because of the phytoestrogen content उ:   'पेस्ट ' में अधिक तत्व मौजूद रहते हैं। तुष्ट Ex:  For the entire content of the work. तृप्त करना Ex:  The nutritional content of vegetables varies considerably रजामन्दी Ex:  Its content is mainly literary राजी Ex:  Cochineal extract's natural carminic-acid content is usually 19–22%. उ:   हालाँकि इस बात के लिए उनके पिताजी राजी नहीं थे। वस्तु Ex:  There were more complaints about the programme's content than its music. उ:   लम्बाई किसी वस्तु की लम्बे आयाम को कहते हैं। विषय Ex:  Pound wrote "I think there is a 'fluid' as well as a 'solid' content उ:   हिंदी के साहित्येतिहास ग्रंथ इस विषय में चुप हैं। संतुष्ट Ex:  The average THC content of Skunk #1 is 8.2% उ:   वह अपने काम के अनुभव के साथ कम संतुष्ट हो जाएगा। सन्तुष्टता Ex:  Fritz the Cat was controversial for its rating and content समाई Ex:  He was content in New York
Content ki paribhasha : ichchha poori hone se praapt shaanti aur aannd nyaayashaastraanusaar vaaky ka ek ansh ya bhed koi kahi hui baat maanane ko taiyaar saamaany logon dvaara bolane men suna gaya vah shabd jisaki vyutpatti vyaakaran ke niyamon se siddh na ho pedon ka vah bhaag jo prathvi ke niche rahata hai natthi ya taaga jisase bhinn bhinn vishayon ke taalapatr ya kaagaj alag alag bandhe hon jisaka mat doosare ke saath milata ho tusht tumhin men unhen dekhakar rahi, rahuangi
Usage of Content in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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