Continent meaning in hindi
As noun : गोजीत Ex:  Eileen spent the rest of her life on the continent
गोस्वामी Ex:  On the European continent उ: गोस्वामी तुलसीदास का जन्म स्थान विवादित है। जितात्क्ष Ex:  Fighting had occurred throughout much of the continent जितात्मा Ex:  Others have proposed a Marshall Plan for Africa to help that continent जितेंद्रिय Ex:  Earth's only continent without a native human population. तकी Ex:  Europe is the world's second-smallest continent in terms of area महाद्वीप Ex:  The Antarctic Circumpolar Current encircles that continent उ: नीदरलैंड युरोप महाद्वीप का एक प्रमुख देश है। वशेंद्रिय Ex:  Heavy snowfalls are not uncommon on the coastal portion of the continent विजितेंद्रिय Ex:  Due to its location in the centre of the North American continent संयमी Ex:  It is the third-largest continent in area
As adjective : आत्मसंयमी Ex:  While the Southern Ocean surrounds the Antarctic continent इंद्रियनिग्रहकारी Ex:  The continent was later riven, creating one of the deepest rifts in the world. जितेन्द्रिय Ex:  It is located 240 kilometres south of the eastern side of the continent महावर्ष Ex:  Australia is the flattest continent यूरोप महाद्वीप Ex:  Poetry Antarctica Antarctica is Earth's southernmost continent यूरोप Ex:  Despite the lack of precipitation over the central portion of the continent उ: यूरोप मुख्यतः शीतोष्ण जलवायु क्षेत्रों में से है।
Other : महादेश Ex:  Although tornadoes have been observed on every continent except Antarctica उ: अफ्रीका महादेश का धरातल प्राचीन गोंडवाना लैंड का ही एक भाग है। व्रती Ex:  Charlemagne applied the system to much of the European continent उ: व्रती इस दिन सिर्फ एक बार ही खाना खाते है ।
Continent ki paribhasha : vah jisane kisi prakaar ka vrat dhaaran kiya ho achchhe chaal chalan ka aadami sadvrattishil kaal ka ek maan jisamen do ayan aur baarah mahine hoti hain man aur indriyon ko vash men rakhanevaala jisane apani indriyon ko jit liya ho
ExamplesContinent synonyms
celibate ascetic abstemious austere inhibited modest restrained sober temperate self-restrained abstinent abstentious bridled curbed Continent antonyms
impure incontinent unchaste Usage of Continent in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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