Continuation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Continuation
As noun : अतिप्रबंध Ex:  In continuation of my previous letter,he replied back.
Continuation of match after the tea break was not possible because of rain.
अतिप्रसंग Ex:  The Victorian age witnessed a continuation of Milton's influence अनुच्छेद Ex:  The continuation of the line उ:   पहले अनुच्छेद में ब्रज भाषा की स्थिति का वर्णन है। अनुबंध Ex:  The first continuation उ:   भिन्न प्रत्यय के अनुबंध से लिंगपरिवर्तन हो जाता है। अनुवृति Ex:  The linguistic novelties recorded in the second continuation are plentiful उत्तर कथा Ex:  Although the second continuation holds the most importance उरुता Ex:  The first continuation records the Conquest उरुव्या Ex:  The direct continuation of this name in Belarusian is Miensk . कुर्ब्बि Ex:  Voters overwhelmingly affirmed continuation of Commonwealth status . के क्रम में Ex:  This valley is an eastward continuation of Turkey Creek valley. गतिला Ex:  Cervantes produced his own continuation जारी रहना Ex:  continuation fee ततत्व Ex:  Extension, continuation some extended portion of धारावाहिकता Ex:  In terms of procedure, Offset Costs, Order in a judgment that each party will remain responsible for its costs made for the continuation of trial निरंतरता Ex:  It also means Stop, stop, suspend continuation of something उ:   इसके बावजूद ऑस्ट्रेलिया निरंतरता से खेलते हुए विश्व विजेता बना। परिवाँन Ex:  It means, in terms of policy Legislation, Act suspends the sessions of a meeting and shall give a continuation to a certain day पुनग्रर्हण Ex:  Losing composure, Quitting suddenly to have its natural continuation by embarrassment one feels प्रतित Ex:  Peter waiting, Thing that only looks like a beginning and that must have a continuation प्रतिस्फलन Ex:  The continuation of फराल Ex:  The continuation of the war, unrest बगारो Ex:  Undertake the continuation of a book बनाए रखना या जारी रखना Ex:  Vexation, unjust and violent continuation बिथार बिस्थार बिहतार वजाहत वरिमा विद्यु्न्माला विवृति विस्तार उ:   इसका विस्तार नौ हजार योजन है। विस्तीर्णता व्रतति श्रेणि संस्त्याय सम्मूर्छन सिलसिला उ:   बाद मे यही सिलसिला बाइक के साथ जारी रहा।
Other : नित्य संबंध Ex:  In terms of procedure, the recovery of a trial , an instance, the renewal and continuation of an interrupted trial, when there has been change parts or confessed शेष उ:   फिर शेष दो मैच गंवाए और फाइनल में जगह नहीं बनाई।
Continuation ki paribhasha : baat pit aur kaph men se jo apradhaan ho ek prakaar ka git jise muharnm men taajiyon ke saamane striyaaan gaati hain vastuon ya kaaryon ke paraspar aage pichhe aadi hone ka niyam jo kuchh bhaag nikal jaane par rah gaya ho niyama, adhi- niyam aadi ka vah ansh jinamen ek baat ka vishad vivaran ho krama, gati ya pravaah ka lagaataar chalane rahane ka bhaav
Continuation synonyms
continuity continuance preservation extension assiduity prolongation protraction propagation endurance sequel sustenance increase postscript supplement furtherance succession duration tenacity line production continuing enduring increasing producing perpetuation augmenting going on maintaining perpetuating persisting preserving prolonging protracting sustaining
Continuation antonyms
stoppage cessation halt termination end finish
Usage of Continuation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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