Continue meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Continue
As noun : जारी रखना Ex:  These can continue in other forms as the child grows up.
As verb :
अंकूलना Ex:  For the relationship to continue it is important for them to bridge their differences. आरंभना Ex:  He can not any more continue to live a double life. आसादन Ex:  The police continue to favour a reactive policy,rather than a preventive
उज्जना Ex:  Oh, please continue with your discussion . करता रहना Ex:  I can't continue with this course . क़ायम रखना Ex:  I can't continue sponging food from my relatives . चलता रहना Ex:  Such capabilities continue today. चालू रहना Ex:  Most continue to have improving life expectancies. जारी या कायम रखना Ex:  If trends continue Lake Superior जारी रहना Ex:  Purviance would continue as leading lady in Chaplin's films until 1923 जारी होना Ex:  Louis wanted to continue by land ठवनापु Ex:  Depictions of her continue in film, television, song, and even video games. त्रीघटना Ex:  Woodruff returned to Melbourne to continue his surgical training. दुबारा प्रारम्भ करना Ex:  Shamanic practices continue today in the tundras निखूटनापु Ex:  Mainstream support for Windows XP will continue until April 14 निरथाना Ex:  2009 and extended support will continue until April 8 प्रचलित रखाना Ex:  Catholics continue to play important roles in Louisiana's politics प्रवृत रहना Ex:  To continue with the tour, Slayer enlisted Tony Scaglione of Whiplash. प्रातिधान Ex:  Bostaph returned to continue the tour. बने रहना Ex:  "He was well-prepared to continue on," Flaherty testified. रखना Ex:  Ethnic divisions continue उ:   विदेश नीति के निर्माण में राज्य को कई तत्वों का ध्यान रखना पड़ता है। शुरू करना Ex:  Most major English-language news sources continue to use Kiev. शुरू होना Ex:  New volumes of his transcribed lectures continue to be produced शुरूवात करना Ex:  Bahá'ís continue to be persecuted in Islamic countries संवृत्ति Ex:  January or February, and continue until the end of April. सकुचना Ex:  This is expected to continue सज्जकर्म Ex:  Theodore Roosevelt promised to continue McKinley's program सन्निवेश Ex:  Brock had planned to continue his campaign into the U.S. सन्यासन Ex:  These and other nations continue to launch probes समासादन Ex:  25,000 B.C. and continue up to the 19th century. समुत्पत्ति Ex:  Iwata urged Nintendo to continue its momentum. स्थगित करना Ex:  There are, however, numerous areas which continue to attract concern. होना Ex:  Inspired to continue his writing उ:   पानी का होना भी जापानी उद्यान में आवश्यक है।
Other : आगे बढ़ाना Ex:  He turned the book overleaf to continue with the story क़ायम रहना Ex:  Crop over festivals continue to play a part of Barbadian culture बढाना Ex:  Saxonwold and Houghton continue to the north of Westcliff. बना रहना Ex:  Negotiations continue between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia बनाए रखना Ex:  Criticisms of the doctrine continue as in the past. स्थिर रहना Ex:  However, a few websites continue to use it.
Continue ki paribhasha : van ka vah vibhaag jahaaan shera, chite aadi ke rahane ki maaanden hon kuchh kaal tak ke liye rahana kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana pradhaan sattaarthak kriya
Continue synonyms
advance go on extend linger pursue reach stay remain maintain sustain progress survive last promote endure persevere project uphold ride outlast lengthen abide prolong stand loiter rest outlive draw out keep at keep up carry forward forge ahead get on with it hang in keep on keep the ball rolling live on make headway move ahead never cease perdure persist in press on push on run on stay on stick at stick to keep on truckin' restore renew proceed recapitulate reopen reestablish reinstate restart pick up take up return to recommence begin over begin where one left off carry over go on with reinstitute
Continue antonyms
retreat retrogress decrease take back cease ignore discontinue condemn shorten reject refuse complete desist halt stop go leave depart quit abbreviate move end finish
Usage of Continue in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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