Contraband meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Contraband
As noun : चोर्यानीत Ex:  A prohibition of contraband near the borders of the two countries was set up.
निषिद्ध माल Ex:  It also says contraband Goods निषिद्ध व्यापार Ex:  Seizing contraband items वंचित उ:   केवल राजपरिवार के सदस्य इस अधिकार से वंचित थे। वर्जित माल वर्जित व्यापार वर्जित उ:   श्राद्ध पक्ष में मांसाहार पूरी तरह वर्जित माना गया है। वर्जिर्त विनिषिद्ध (विधिनिषिद्ध व्यवस्था विरुद्ध
Other : नियम विरुद्ध Ex:  Business Law, Faculty that were mutually given the maritime powers to visit, by their vessels War ships suspected of engaging in contraband of war or the slave
Contraband ki paribhasha : jo grahan ke ayogy thaharaaya gaya ho
Contraband synonyms
illicit bootleg prohibited unauthorized taboo banned forbidden hot illegal shut out verboten smuggled bootlegged disapproved excluded interdicted proscribed piracy smuggling swag goods violation crime plunder stuff theft moonshine counterfeiting trafficking bootlegging dealing poaching rum-running wetbacking
Contraband antonyms
legal permitted lawful allowed legal goods
Usage of Contraband in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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