Contracted meaning in hindi
Other : आकुंचित Ex: I contracted out this kind of job the last time .
कुंचित Ex: He could not feel the heat: he had contracted leprosy. मीलित Ex: In this contact, one of Cortés's men contracted the disease. विकुंचित Ex: After the battle, the Aztecs contracted the virus from the invaders' bodies. संकुचित Ex: But as the protosun contracted उ: आज का विश्व बहुत सीमित एवं संकुचित होता जा रहा है। सकुंचित Ex: In 1350 Algirdas contracted a second marriage with Uliana of Tver सकोचित Ex: Apple contracted another company संक्षिप्त Ex: The means by which she contracted the virus remains uncertain. संविदाकृत Ex: The US Navy contracted to buy the British built R-38 संवेदित प्रसंविदित Ex: Attributes contracted
ExamplesUsage of Contracted in sentences
The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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