Controversial meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Controversial
As adjective : विवादस्पद Ex:  He is also considered one of the sport's most controversial figures. उ:   हालांकि, यह विवादस्पद है।
विवादास्पद Ex:  Some observers suggested that the controversial comments fueled Sen. उ:   यह बहुत विवादास्पद और चर्चित अवधारणा रही है।
Other : तकरारी Ex:  Lévi-Strauss' later works are more controversial वादग्रस्त Ex:  Apart from the controversial 1942 speeches विवादात्मक Ex:  The program proved to be controversial
Controversial synonyms
questionable contentious dubious arguable argumentative disputable disputatious doubtful litigious moot suspect uncertain dubitable polemical disputed contended contestable controvertible debateable doubtable in dispute open to discussion open to question under discussion
Controversial antonyms
incontrovertible peaceful undisputed undoubted unquestionable certain definite sure agreeable uncontroversial
Usage of Controversial in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi 
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