Convergence meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Convergence
As noun : अभिसरण Ex:  The storm originated as the convergence of two major storm fronts उ:   अर्थात जब अभिसरण माना जाता है।
अभिसरन Ex:  If the level of change in convergence is too high during this shift संसृति उ:   उनका संसृति का सिद्धान्त भी मानवीय था। समाभिरूपता
Other : अभिसारिता Ex:  Action to converge convergence of two lines एक ओर झुकाव Ex:  The convergence of light rays reflected by a concave mirror एकसूत्रता
Convergence ki paribhasha : priy se milane ke liye jaana
Usage of Convergence in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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