Conveyor meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Conveyor
As noun : वाहक पट्टा Ex:  It is also said adjectively conveyor Building
वाहक उ:   श्रीलंकन एयरलाइंस श्रीलंका का ध्वज वाहक है। विनीतक
Conveyor ki paribhasha : laadakar ya khinchakar vastuon ko le chalanevaala
Conveyor synonyms
shipper emissary courier runner envoy agent servant carrier messenger beast of burden internuncio drogher escalator hoist dumbwaiter transit transportation shipment removal lift passage carriage moving vehicle conveyance movement shipping conveying transshipment transference transferring carting hauling carrying transporting mover freightage truckage production line
Conveyor antonyms
receiver inaction boredom dislike indifference idle remain stay
Usage of Conveyor in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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