Coordinates meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Coordinates
As noun : जोड़ीदार कपड़ा Ex:  She always coordinates her clothes with her shoes and jewellery.
Other :
निर्देशांक Ex:  Let's define the event to have space-time coordinates in system S and in S'. उ:   अलीपुर के निर्देशांक पर स्थित है।
Coordinates synonyms
harmonize integrate organize regulate agree systematize adjust reconcile correlate conform proportion accommodate synchronize mesh combine pool conduce quarterback atune get it together pull together reconciliate shape up team up get one's act together
Coordinates antonyms
disorganize disorder disarrange refuse disconnect disintegrate disagree confuse differ divide separate mismatch unsuit uncoordinate unrelate
Usage of Coordinates in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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