Cop meaning in hindi
As noun : आलमन Ex: Try to cop onto what I'm saying, Otto .
कोँपना Ex: The cop f lashed his badge at the suspect . गिरफ्तार करना Ex: He f lipped off the cop . चुराना Ex: The cop grappled with the thief for the gun . चुरावना Ex: Max slashed at the cop with a pocketknife . छिबना Ex: Soapy stood still, and he smiled when he saw the cop . पकड़ना Ex: The cop saw a man further along the street, running . उ: खाते समय चावल के कटोरे को एक हाथ में पकड़ना स्वीकार्य है। पुलिस अधिकारी Ex: A cop who was standing near laughed and walked away . पुलिस औफिसर Ex: He looked quickly around into the broad face of a cop . भुगतना पड़ना Ex: It also means figuratively False fleeing, cop मुसीबत में पड़ना Ex: �What are you doing hanging around here?� asked the cop . मूषण Ex: This horse was a cop लगना Ex: , This response is a cop समालंभ सरभ
Cop ki paribhasha : do padaarthon ka tal aapas men milana kisi vastu ki usake svaami ke paroksh ya anajaan men le lena pakadne ka kaam karaana
ExamplesCop synonyms
deputy sheriff patrolman policeman fuzz policewoman officer of the law peace officer police officer patrolwoman lawman flatfoot the man Usage of Cop in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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