Cornucopia meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Cornucopia
As noun : अक्षय पात्र Ex:  The universe is a cornucopia of galaxy.
अतिशयता Ex:  Slovenia is a veritable cornucopia of forest अतीति गहमहई जादा मात्रा में परिपूर्ण श्रंग प्राचुर्य उ:   इनके काव्यों में अलंकारों का या शब्दचमत्कार का प्राचुर्य नहीं है। बंहिमा वंद्र
Cornucopia synonyms
lavishness amplitude superabundance fullness richness bountifulness exuberance bounty affluence luxuriance plentifulness plethora enough luxury torrent quantity profusion mine avalanche prosperity capacity lots masses flood sufficiency store volume fund peck oodles deluge fruitfulness opulence full house good deal heaps mountains piles loads stacks great deal wheel shell cylinder ball convolution bobbin spiral spool fold cone whorl coil barrel reel scroll cartouche trundle volute revenue treasure riches cash security property worth cache estate pelf dough velvet gold holdings means hoard lucre funds capital goods belongings substance fortune assets long green prosperousness possessions substantiality clover commodities lap of luxury stocks and bonds bottomless well endless supply horn of amalthea inundation redundancy spate freshet redundance spillway bounteousness
Cornucopia antonyms
lack poorness scarcity need want rareness little few debt poverty inadequacy
Usage of Cornucopia in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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