Correct meaning in hindi
As verb : अकल्क Ex: The income tax assessor came for a surprise check in the office.
The assessor had done a correct assessment of the situation.
अकिल्विष Ex: anatomically correct अखोट Ex: It is not correct legally अगर्हित Ex: engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance अदंब Ex: Ram accessed many different files to find the correct information. अदुषित Ex: prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage अपंकिल Ex: You are trying to fob me off on taking the correct decision in this matter. अभिविनीत Ex: politically correct clothing अमनिया Ex: As per grammar correct spelling is necessary अयातयाम Ex: He gave correct answers to all the questions in the exam. अरेप Ex: Priestley and Cavendish, and gave a correct explanation of their experiments. उन्मार्जित Ex: The short-acting insulin is also used to correct hyperglycemia. खलिस Ex: The conclusion was correct झिड़कना या दण्ड देना Ex: This can be achieved by correct experimental design ठीक कर देना Ex: Controversy surrounds the correct term used to identify people from Tajikistan. ठीक करना या शोधना Ex: Once the train detects the correct supply ठीक करना Ex: The only alternative is for ethical statements to be correct objective claims तजरी Ex: Under such circumstances it is hard to know which is the correct name to use. तारनी Ex: According to tradition, the Buddha emphasized ethics and correct understanding. तीर्थीभूत Ex: Its complete and correct publication occurred in 1962 दंड देना Ex: "Bowers was not correct when it was decided, and it is not correct today. धौँसना Ex: Felix Bernstein supplied a correct proof in his 1898 PhD thesis निजि Ex: The correct pronunciation is उ: इसके लाभ है - ज़बरदस्ती के चुनाव की वजह से निजि झुकाव नहीं रहता। निरजासु Ex: This may not be entirely correct निर्णिक्तमना Ex: No correct proof was found for 357 years निष्कल्मष Ex: The work was subsequently published with the correct translation of the title. परोरजस् Ex: One reaction has been to argue that Justice Blackmun reached the correct result पाकोजा Ex: He tried to correct what he considered to be western misconceptions. पो Ex: However, this model does not always give correct results. उ: उनके उपनाम पो नाम का एक रूप है। पौण्य Ex: The correct way of saying it is ". फरच, फरचा Ex: With consistent and correct use of condoms फरहर ‡ Ex: He was not completely correct बेमिलावट Ex: This is because a speaker’s beliefs must be mostly correct and coherent. मोष Ex: The subject considers how public policy can be used to correct such failures. विद्यादान Ex: If Butinov and Knorozov are correct then विपृक्वत् Ex: The more correct meaning of the Sanskrit words is, . विमलात्मक Ex: Ceres, lying at just the correct point in space. वैतान Ex: Art pronounce correctly, correct pronunciation defects शफ्फाक Ex: correct edition शिक्षा देना Ex: correct something, put it back in the state, in the order it should be शुद्ध Ex: Expression own, correct उ: शुद्धोदकस्नान शुद्ध जल से स्नान। शुद्धिकरण Ex: from now on, be more correct संशोधित Ex: In this brief, the statement of facts is not correct उ: उन्होने १८८२ ई में इसका दूसरा संशोधित संस्करण निकाला। सटीक Ex: Inflicting punishment to correct उ: जब तक रोग की सटीक पहचान न हो जाए, तब तक सही दिशा में उपचार असंभव है। सर्वपूत Ex: It is also said of the works of the mind and means Polish, make purer, more correct सही करना Ex: Let me correct a सुधरना Ex: of Let two kinds can not correct सुधार करना Ex: Penalty imposed to correct सुधार के लिए डाँटना Ex: Pendulum compensator, or absolutely, like name, Clearing Facility to correct the effects of temperature variations on walking clocks and chronometers सुधारना Ex: The correct accredits to pay traders हिरंबर Ex: The correct drivers must know the deposit the coast where they want to discuss
The assessor had done a correct assessment of the situation.
As adjective : सही Ex: Making best, correct defects, to make progress उ: इसका सही उच्चारण ’मलयाळम्’ होता है। सहीह Ex: Medicine Art to correct or prevent, especially in children, deformities of the body हस्तदक्षिण Ex: The correct data uncertain , false, chimerical
Other : ठीक Ex: When a script is factually correct उ: विस्तारीकरण में ठीक इसका उल्टा होता है। दण्ड देना Ex: Alpha's leaders recognized the need to correct the educational शोधन करना Ex: I teach him to live, I will correct it, I will punish him his fault, his wrongs संशोधित करना Ex: In terms of physics, compensator means a device which serves to correct variations in measurements compared with the normal value of सहि Ex: It is, by extension, of a writer , an artist whose style, the way is not correct साँच Ex: Negligence style, or simply neglect, says light Fouls fact that one author, when n ' brings not care enough to correct his style
Correct ki paribhasha : aushadh ke liye dhaatu ka snskaar karana tntr ke anusaar sharir ke andar ke chhah chakron men se paaanchavaaan chakra, jo gale men maana jaata hai jaisa hona chaahiye vaisa
ExamplesCorrect synonyms
precise perfect strict legitimate equitable factual stone right okay according to hoyle amen faithful faultless flawless for sure impeccable nice on the ball on the nose regular right stuff righteous rigorous veracious right on veridical true cooking with gas dead on free of error on target on the beam on the button on the money on track right as rain undistorted unmistaken acceptable careful becoming conforming fitting done conventional decent decorous diplomatic meticulous punctilious scrupulous seemly standard suitable comme il faut repair upgrade rectify amend review remedy redress regulate cure alter revise improve scrub help doctor edit reorganize reform launder better retouch emend reclaim reconstruct polish debug ameliorate remodel change fix up go over pick up touch up straighten out clean up clean up act do over fiddle with get with it make over make right make up for pay dues put in order set right set straight shape up turn around punish penalize chasten chide administer admonish castigate reprimand reprove Correct antonyms
inaccurate unsuitable incorrect biased inexact inappropriate false imprecise improper invalid wrong flawed unfitting unseemly damage destroy injure ruin remain worsen harm weaken blunder goof mistake pamper pet break hurt maintain depress blow coddle indulge spoil be permissive forgive reward compliment laud praise Usage of Correct in sentences
The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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