Corrective meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Corrective
As noun : शिष्टयर्थ
संशोधनात्मक टिप्पणी संशोधनात्मक सुधार के लिये
As adjective : दोषनिवारक Ex:  This printer has excellent corrective They informed us that we had more faults विशोधक संशोधन या प्रतिकार करने वाला सुधाक्क
Other : शोधक
Corrective ki paribhasha : ganit men vah snkhya jise ghataane se thik vargamool nikal
Corrective synonyms
curative remedial punitive disciplinary therapeutic reformatory restorative penal palliative antidotal counteracting rehabilitative
Corrective antonyms
harmful injurious damaging hurtful hurting paining
Usage of Corrective in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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