Costing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Costing
As noun : लागत Ex:  , They are there like rats in straw told People that are in a place where they have everything to perfection, where they make good food without it costing them anything उ:   ईसकी लागत १६७ बिलियन रुपिये रखी गई।
As verb :
माल बनाने की लागत आँकने की एक विधि Ex:  PENALTY also means work, fatigue, stress costing लागत निर्धारण Ex:  When he is now, nothing costing him
Costing ki paribhasha : vah kharch jo kisi chij ki taiyaari ya banaane men lage
Costing synonyms
require yield bring in take nick rap set back sell for come to amount to be asked be demanded be given be marked at be needed be paid be priced at be received be valued at be worth mount up move back sell at to the tune of lose expect hurt infuriate obligate necessitate do disservice to
Costing antonyms
disallow refuse reject lose
Usage of Costing in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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