Counter meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Counter
As noun : अक्षधर Ex:  If you overdrive a man working already it will be counter productive
अच्छूरिका Ex:  She kept the ware on the shop counter while counting the money. अठान० Ex:  Lets buy some new ones from the perfumery counter of the departmental store. अपष्ठुर Ex:  Japanese always use special counter for counting. अपाचीन Ex:  Dont act counter to her wishes. अमीली Ex:  Our governments Economic polices are running counter to their plan. आँकिक Ex:  The cat crept along the narrow kitchen counter . इख्तिलाफ Ex:  Someone nicked the kitchen counter up . इतराजी Ex:  His idea runs counter to good sense . उज्त्र Ex:  He splashed something on the counter . उपकथन Ex:  The clerk sold dirty books under the counter . काउंटर Ex:  Jane wiped off the counter with a rag . उ:   काउंटर के पास है सोने के कलश से सजा मन्दिर है। काउन्टर Ex:  To counter the successes of the Hungarian revolutionary army उ:   दोनों को जोड़ कर हमें दो-बिट काउन्टर मिल जाएगा। खिलाफत Ex:  Harris shot at a display case at the opposite end of the administrative counter गणक Ex:  Some also use mechanical feedback systems to sense and counter vibration. गिनने का यंत्र Ex:  Proponents counter that trapping चक्र Ex:  A key component common to all CPUs is the program counter उ:   केंद्र में अशोक चक्र को काढ़ा जाता है। चखाचखी Ex:  To counter the draining of the company's income चूँचरा Ex:  Newfoundland to counter the German battleship ''Tirpitz''. जवाबी हमला Ex:  The location in program memory is determined by a program counter तरदी्द् Ex:  A gas meter, or just A counter तौफ Ex:  By extension, this small amount will enable it to counter the necessities दृन्फू Ex:  He came to talk to me at the counter देवंग Ex:  PARURE means in terms of arts, Action to counter to prepare दैवलेखक Ex:  Prefixes derived from the verb meaning to counter avoidance and which, combined with another word used to designate appliances, devices, objects to avoid some drawbacks दैववद् Ex:  Several members stood at the counter test नाइत्तिफाकी Ex:  Take into the counter afflictions that God sends us नामुवाफिक Ex:  The counter calls पक्षरचना Ex:  The counter expertise प्रतउत्तर Ex:  The counter of the wine shop, where it debits the wine प्रतपक्षता Ex:  To counter the virtues that we have not प्रतिउत्तर Ex:  Drinks on where consumers are standing or sitting on high seats at a counter प्रतिकूल उ:   प्रतिकूल संस्कृत मूल का शब्द है। प्रतिकूलवाद प्रतिच्छेद प्रतिजन्य प्रतिबाधि प्रतिविधित्सा प्रतीपवचन प्रतीपवचन प्रत्युत्तर दना प्रत्युत्तर प्रसव्य प्रातीपक फुटमत बरकस बरखिलाफ बायेँ बिकूल बिप्रीति बिरोध राउंड वराजीवी वर्तनि विपरीत उ:   यह विपरीत दिशा में घूमता रहता है। विपरीतकारी विप्रतिकार विप्रतीप विरोध उ:   यह सेंसरशिप के विरोध में था। विसदृश व्यत्यस्त व्यपेत व्यपोढ व्याकोप व्य़ुत्थान शास्त्रतत्वज्ञ शुमारिंदा समुच्छय
As adverb : गणना फलक Ex:  To counter this potentially destabilizing problem गणित्र (यन्त्र Ex:  To counter the problem of avoiding military service, Scutage became common. गिनने वाला Ex:  To counter this offensive घोडे की छाती Ex:  Jaffar Amin said he was writing a book to counter his father's reputation. घोड़े की छाती Ex:  Abu Hanifa was the counter of the bricks and he developed a canal जहाज के पीछे के हिस्से में एक धन्वाकार स्थान Ex:  One early idea counter to this was proposed by Jesuit Athanasius Kircher दूकान या बैंक की मेज Ex:  Car place car space provided with a counter प्रत़ि़ Ex:  , Be careful tile, be ready to respond to any objections, to counter any event प्रतिघात करना प्रत्युत्तर देना विक्रय फलक विपरी विपरीत दिशा में
Other : काट Ex:  In order to counter Spanish designs on the territory उ:   लैंस की बाहरी सतह को इसी विधि से काट कर पालिश किया जाता है। खण्डन करना Ex:  To counter West German rearmament गणित्र Ex:  During the 16th century Munich was a center of the German counter reformation जवाबी Ex:  To counter this, Hannibal utilized the double-envelopment tactic.
Counter ki paribhasha : ek hi prakaar ki kai vastuon men agal agal ek ek vastu jaisa hona chaahiye usase aur hi prakaar se gati ka avarodh karana vah kaary jo kisi kaary ko rokane, dabaane athava usaka badala chukaane ke liye kiya jaay virodh naamak ek alnkaar saahity puraanaanusaar vah kalpit sharir jo manushy ko marane ke uparaant praapt hota hai lohe ke ek astr ka naam jo pahiye ke aakaar ka hota hai kisi doosari vastu ke saath atynt bhinnata keshav ke anusaar ek arthaalnkaara, jisamen kaary ki siddhi men svayn saadhak ka baadhak hona dikhaaya jaata hai
Counter synonyms
antithetical conflicting antipodal contrasting obverse converse opposed contradictory adverse against antagonistic diametric polar antipodean impeding hindering obstructive versus at variance with contrarily contrariwise conversely in defiance of resist foil offset retaliate counteract buck return frustrate vie beat circumvent ruin bilk cross parry dash contravene disappoint meet backtalk pit match take on thumbs down ward off counterwork fly in the face of have bone to pick hit back play off
Counter antonyms
harmonious similar agreeing corresponding concurring corroborating equal same equally similarly aid assist facilitate permit help support allow encourage divide separate
Usage of Counter in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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