Counterpoint meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Counterpoint
As noun : उपबृंही Ex:  In this later approach to counterpoint
पूरक Ex:  In the course of time, they formed a counterpoint to the Dutch colonists. उ:   अजोला सस्ता, सुपाच्य, पौष्टिक, पूरक पशु आहार है। वदर्धक, वर्धक Ex:  From 1862 to 1865, he studied harmony, counterpoint and fugue with Zaremba. विषमता दिखाना Ex:  He may have studied counterpoint under Ockeghem विषमता Ex:  The use of counterpoint and fugue उ:   जलवायु की विषमता के कारण यहाँ की बनस्पतियाँ भी एक सी नहीं हैं। विसमता Ex:  Learn counterpoint वैषम Ex:  Music Whoever occupies counterpoint to सहचलन Ex:  The science of counterpoint सुरसंगत धुन Ex:  The study of counterpoint सुरसंगति
Counterpoint ki paribhasha : puraananusaar ek praachin nagar ka naam jo chndraprabha nadi ke tat par tha praanaayaam vidhi ke tin bhaagon men se pahala bhaag jisamen shvaas ko naak se khinchate hue bhitar ki or le jaate hain
Counterpoint synonyms
inverse contradistinction antithesis disagreement contradiction opposition differentiation oppositeness
Counterpoint antonyms
agreement harmony peace
Usage of Counterpoint in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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