Coup meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Coup
As noun : अप्रत्याशित सफलता Ex:  2008 in a failed coup apparently perpetrated by Alfredo Reinado
अभ्यवस्कंद Ex:  Bokassa led a coup to overthrow Dacko आकस्मिक शासन परितर्तन Ex:  He survived another coup attempt in December 1974. The following month आकस्मिक शासन परिवर्तन Ex:  In the aftermath of a coup attempt आघात Ex:  Following the coup attempt of August 1991 उ:   इसलिए उसे आघात चिंतन करने का कोइ कारण नहीं है और वह निश्चिन्त हो जाए। उद्घात Ex:  1889 by a Republican military coup led by general Deodoro da Fonseca उपताप Ex:  The military forces took office in Brazil in a coup d'état in 1964 कष्टि Ex:  Having opposed the coup of Paul Magloire खडा़का Ex:  After surviving an attempted coup in mid-1958 घातक चोट Ex:  On the same day of the failed coup घातुक चर्य Ex:  Following a coup in 1947 ठका Ex:  A military coup led by Samuel Doe ousted the Tolbert government in 1980 ठकोरा Ex:  In 1972, a military coup led by Mathieu Kérékou overthrew the council. ठबक Ex:  Shishakli launched a second coup in 1951 ठरूकापु Ex:  Only when president Shishakli was himself overthrown in a 1954 coup ठोँ Ex:  Following a military coup on September 28 थारपु Ex:  The Baath takeover in Syria followed a Baath coup in Iraq the previous month. दराकन Ex:  The military coup of 1976 धमस Ex:  An attempted coup on 30 September 1965 was countered by the army धमाधम Ex:  Maintenance for these roads lapsed after the 1991 coup धौलधक्का Ex:  Following Louis Napoléon's coup of 1851, more French proscrits arrived. व्यध Ex:  In the aftermath of the attempted coup सफल एवं अकस्मात क्रिया Ex:  Before the 1994 coup d'état हति Ex:  Three Gambian journalists have been arrested since the coup attempt. हाञ Ex:  Beria merged the MGB into the MVD. Fearing an attempt at a coup d'état
Other : चातुर्यपूर्ण Ex:  The African Union described the takeover as a military coup d'état.
Coup ki paribhasha : abhipraay siddh karane ka upayukt sthaan aur avasar kisi ke prati honavaala vah dvesh ya aacharan jisase usako haani pahuanche ek vastu par kisi doosari vastu ka veg ke saath patan ya takkar
Coup synonyms
action plot revolution overthrow stratagem accomplishment upset stroke exploit stunt deed feat tour de force stroke of genius successful stroke coup d'ã©tat coup de mã¢itre
Coup antonyms
Usage of Coup in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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