Courage meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Courage
As noun : अनिर्वेद Ex:  Muster the courage to do something
कसबल Ex:  The courage of the hostages outfaced the cowardice of the hijackers. चारभटी Ex:  He was rewarded for showing great courage in the battle. जाँबाजी Ex:  She instilled us with courage . जियारा Ex:  Liz summoned up all her courage . जियास Ex:  Heinrich von Treitschke saw war as humanity's highest activity where courage थ्यावस Ex:  “Together we will work to support courage where there is fear दिलगुरदा Ex:  It also stands for courage and blood that is given to them by nature. दिलगुरदा Ex:  It also stands for courage and blood that is given to them by nature. धारयिष्णुता Ex:  , It is a sissy, said of a man who lacks resolution and courage धीरजता Ex:  A courage that grows amid setbacks धैर्य Ex:  A great courage often said of a man who is distinguished by the nobility of soul or a great strength of character उ:   उसने घोषणा की, 'अब हमारे पास और धैर्य नहीं है। नृम्ण Ex:  A long rest had upset her courage पुरषातन Ex:  A woman who has a courage above her sex प्रागल्भ्य Ex:  and joke, He is a good three hairs, He is a man of proven courage प्रागल्भ्य Ex:  and joke, He is a good three hairs, He is a man of proven courage बाहुजता Ex:  Cowardice, lack of courage रजतंत Ex:  Encourage have courage वीरता Ex:  Failure courage to उ:   यह अपनी वीरता के लिए जाने जाते हैं। वीरत्त Ex:  Giving guts, Giving courage वीरत्तण Ex:  He argued that setback with great courage वीरत्व Ex:  He bequeathed his talent, his honesty, his courage to his son उ:   इन ग्रंथों में वीरत्व का नवीन स्वर मुखरित हुआ है। वीरव्रत Ex:  He has published great courage शहबाजी Ex:  His courage is above everything शि Ex:  His courage softened शूष Ex:  His presence gave again courage to the troops शेरमर्दी Ex:  If courage ' शौटीरता Ex:  Ignite courage सम्मर्ष Ex:  It also means who lacks courage सहित्र Ex:  It also tells of the Shares that denote cowardice, lacking courage to साहस Ex:  It has enough courage उ:   हनुमान साहस और शक्ति, नरसिंह निडरता, गरुड़। सुकून Ex:  It is also said in that sense this review, this trait of courage was put to the order of Army सूरातन Ex:  It is sometimes said to Ardour, impetuous courage स्पर्द्धा, स्पर्धा Ex:  It means figuratively Giving courage हमासत Ex:  It swelled up her courage हिंमत Ex:  Lacking courage हिमति Ex:  Losing courage हिम्मत Ex:  Make a courage to act उ:   'हारें ना, हिम्मत ही मेरा विश्वास है। हीअर Ex:  Male courage male resolution हृत्सार Ex:  Man courage to
Other : कलेजा Ex:  I got the motivity of courage from my teacher. गुरदा Ex:  uncomplaining courage छाती Ex:  I really admire you for your courage . उ:   एसिडिटी का प्रमुख लक्षण है रोगी के सीने या छाती में जलन। जवाँमर्दी Ex:  Her story instilled us all with courage . ताब Ex:  "gave me the strength and courage to work again" . मरदानगी Ex:  Defending like a lion, Defend with great courage मुँह Ex:  Dépourvoir courage to उ:   ये तो तुम्हारे मुँह की बातें है। शूरता Ex:  His courage was growing amid setbacks शौर्य Ex:  In this letter you believe? If I thought my courage उ:   भारतीय संस्कृति सदा से ही वीरता व शौर्य की समर्थक रही है। हिया Ex:  Making the courage हौसला Ex:  Remember your virtue, your courage उ:   उनके पति गोपालराव ने भी उनको भरपूर सहयोग दिया और उनकी हौसला अफजाई की।
Courage ki paribhasha : kisi kaam ko karane ki aanndapoorn ichchha saahas naatak men aarabhati naam ki vratti nidr hone ki avastha snkata, baadhaa, kathinaayi ya vipatti aadi upasthit hone par ghabaraahat ka na hona vah maanasik gun ya shakti jisake dvaara manushy yarthasht bal ke abhaav men bhi koi bhaari kaam kar baithata hai ya dradhataapoorvak vipattiyon ya kathinaaiyon aadi ka saamana karata hai koi kathin ya kashtasaadhy karm karane ki maanasik dradhata ya bal
Usage of Courage in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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