Course meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Course
As noun : अँटना Ex:  She would be taking up a course in meteorology soon.
अंबुरय Ex:  he took a course in basket weaving अग्रसख्या Ex:  when it snowed they made a coast on the golf course अध्ययन Ex:  The main course of food is to follow the entree. उ:   भूगोल की अध्ययन विधि परिवर्तित होती रही है। अध्येंन Ex:  well get to this question in due course अनुसारण Ex:  He is doing a course in lexicography. अपवाड़ Ex:  Take whichever course you like. अवश्य Ex:  The mountanious course of a river is sinuous. उ:   ये अवश्य ही इस दण्ड के भागी हैं। अवस्य Ex:  The number of students in this course dropped off after the first test इकआँक Ex:  Ramesh copleted course OPHTHALMOLOGY from America उपस्रवण Ex:  A pilot editon of a new language course was introduced recently. एवेन्यू Ex:  diversify a course of study ककुप् ककुभ Ex:  Diversify a course of study कार्रवाई Ex:  The course of the river was deviated to prevent flooding. उ:   केवल कागजी कार्रवाई की गई थी। कुंट Ex:  A course of bricks. कूलंकष Ex:  Side-dish is usually served with a main course of a meal. कोर्स Ex:  Can you keep a secret? Alice: Of course . उ:   इसमें दो प्रकार के कोर्स हैं। क्रम Ex:  Of course he can't do the job right . उ:   राज्य के राजमार्ग एक विशेष क्रम में गिने जाते हैं। खड़ना Ex:  Of course you must be on time . खाड़ेती Ex:  Of course I can have your car repaired by noon . गंगधार Ex:  Are you ready to go? Bob: Of course . गच्छाना Ex:  Are you coming with us? John: Of course . गड्डरिका Ex:  Of course you want to buy this expensive jacket . चरणचार Ex:  In the course of evolution चलणा Ex:  Unable to change course चलना Ex:  In the course of several wars चल्लना Ex:  The latter course was promoted by France and most African states चहीला Ex:  Petersburg had shaped the course of history in Russia and influenced the world. छंछ Ex:  2007. Director Murray Lerner commented: “Over the course of three Newport gigs झीर Ex:  He said, 'Of course I'll attend'. टुरन Ex:  Over the course of the 19th century डिवीजन Ex:  Over the course of his working life उ:   चौथे भारतीय डिवीजन ने मोंटे कैसीनो की दूसरी लड़ाई में भाग लिया। तरीक Ex:  The river develops into three lakes along its course तह Ex:  Over the course of a few days उ:   बॉयोमास की तह पर पानी छिड़क कर नम करते रहें। तै Ex:  Over the course of the nineteenth century दिगंचल Ex:  At the end of the two- or three-year course दिशा Ex:  It can be obtained either by course work and a thesis उ:   इस प्रकार की पवने पश्चिम दिशा से चलती हैं। द्रोणगंधिका Ex:  In the course of those operational training evolutions धूर्तमानुषा Ex:  Of course the words due process of law निपठ, निपठन Ex:  Over the course of about one year पंथड़ा Ex:  Over the course of the war पथत् Ex:  Over the course of mitosis पदक्रम Ex:  In the course of his speech पदविक्षेप Ex:  In the course of committee work पाट्य क्रम Ex:  They orbited ten times over the course of 20 hours पाठ्य क्रम Ex:  Pashtun culture was formed over the course of many centuries. पादन्यास Ex:  Thus, the presiding officer has little control over the course of debate. पादपद्धति Ex:  The course that emerged featured eleven holes पीछा करना Ex:  A course consists of a series of holes पुरोटि Ex:  During the course of the 19th century पेंड Ex:  Through the course of their friendship प्रगति Ex:  Over the course of her career उ:   जर्मनी में कोई प्रगति नहीं हो रही थी। प्रचर्या Ex:  During the course of his life प्रच्चय Ex:  Over the course of a year प्रदिपद् Ex:  In the course of its use प्रदिपद् Ex:  In the course of its use प्रवाह Ex:  Darwin joined the geology course of the Reverend Adam Sedgwick and उ:   महानदी का प्रवाह दक्षिण से उत्तर की तरफ है। प्रस्थावा Ex:  It is still the subject of various debates about its course भोजन क्रम Ex:  During the course of the fighting मंडलिका Ex:  Over the course of the 20th century मंदाक Ex:  These problems virtually disappeared over the course of that decade मारुंड Ex:  He was treated with a seven week course of radiation. मार्ग Ex:  Each planet has two in the course of its orbit उ:   इसमें १० मार्ग दर्शक सिद्धां‍त बनाये गये। मैयार Ex:  Spruance changed course and withdrew to the east यकीनन् Ex:  Mario gathers stars in each course रँहि Ex:  He then completed his course in law and settled in St. रास्ता Ex:  "will take a normal course only when we have become a useful उ:   यहाँ से केदारनाथ के लिए भी रास्ता जाता है। रोड Ex:  Through the course of his career he appeared in many critically acclaimed films उ:   ग्रैंड ट्रंक रोड इसके बहुत पास से होकर जाता है। लोकयात्रा Ex:  Culiacan and of course Mexico City लोकाक्ष Ex:  Over the course of its history वट्ट Ex:  In the course of his brief military career वट्टा Ex:  In the story's course वर्गणा Ex:  The course had only a limited number of seats. वर्तनि Ex:  The course was discontinued immediately after Sagan's death वर्तम Ex:  Accuracy increased greatly over the course of the war वस्क Ex:  Over the course of many thousand years वातपत्नी Ex:  Over the course of the past five hundred years वाहल Ex:  Over the course of his life विंजोलि, विंजोली Ex:  It remains the oldest continuing sociology course in America. विद्यानुपालन Ex:  During the course of a program's life विद्याव्यसन Ex:  In the course of one Feast of Easter, Constantine fell seriously ill. विप्रयाण Ex:  Ornamental plants have sometimes changed the course of history विष्यंद Ex:  During the course of the war वोरा Ex:  During the course of the war उ:   वोरा ने खार, मुंबई से अपने स्कूली शिक्षा प्राप्त की। शत्रुपक्ष Ex:  Davis sustained her comeback over the course of several years. शिकार करना Ex:  Over the course of time श्रेणी Ex:  In the course of his twenty-five year reign उ:   यह इंडियाना के शहरों की श्रेणी है। सँचरना Ex:  Over the course of the next six years संगरण Ex:  In patients whose cancer has improved following a course of chemotherapy सनी Ex:  They were of course used in Love's Last Shift उ:   गुस्से में आकर लड़कियों ने सनी के दोस्त की कार में तोड़फोड़ की। सन्निवेश Ex:  The player acquires a minimum of five aeons over the course of the game सफीफ Ex:  Evan-Thomas continued on his original course for several minutes. सरणि, सरणी Ex:  Over the course of his career सांस्त्राविण Ex:  Throughout the course of the river सिरात Ex:  The indigenous population of Upper course of Volga were Finnic Karelians सुतरां Ex:  1949. During the course of the hostilities सृंका Ex:  Over the course of the eighteenth century सेझा Ex:  Infrequent showers occur through the course of the winter months. सेणि Ex:  The true course was probably known to many locals स्टैंडर्ड Ex:  In the course of recent modernization efforts स्तर Ex:  Chacón had its course diverted in 1787 so that it ran to the east of the city उ:   शिक्षा के स्तर को भी अच्छा माना जाता हॅ। स्रैनी Ex:  Goat Island splits the course of the Niagara River हरित् Ex:  Adenosine is created over the course of the day
As verb : अनुसृत Ex:  The windmill took a turn with the course of the wind. उत्पीड़ Ex:  he chalked up $100 in the course of the evening खलकना Ex:  Of course I work fast . गहीलाना Ex:  The course was dull, but I struggled through . निस्त्रव Ex:  Over the course of the day प्रच्यवन Ex:  The course of the Nile in Sudan is distinctive. प्रस्यद Ex:  Chiswick Eyot is a familiar landmark on the Boat Race course बहना Ex:  At this time, the Thames' course did not continue to Doggerland विक्षरण Ex:  During the course of the 1990s विष्यंद Ex:  During the course of the war विस्त्राव Ex:  These dates are of course uncertain विस्त्रुति Ex:  During the course of the war विस्रंसन Ex:  Over the course of that afternoon विस्रव Ex:  Melanesian and Micronesian peoples over the course of thousands of years. व्यधा Ex:  The second course might include rice श्चोत, श्चोतन, श्च्योत, श्च्योतन Ex:  During the course of the program श्रवनां Ex:  Piłsudski estimated enemy's forces at 200,000–220,000. In the course of 1920 स्यद Ex:  During a course on thermodynamics taught by Percy Bridgman
Other : आखेट करना Ex:  He perverted the course of justice. कोर्स या पाठ्यक्रम Ex:  Of course I can afford $800 . घुड दौड का मैदान Ex:  I decided to take a course in history . घुड़ दौड़ का मैदान Ex:  I'm all through with course requirements . चाल चलन Ex:  In the course of an official ceremony, a bomb exploded next to the general. डगर Ex:  Over the course of centuries पथ Ex:  In the course of this उ:   धर्म के पथ पर चलना अत्यन्त कठिन है। पाठ चर्या Ex:  The natural course of the river flows into the Gulf of California पाठ्य Ex:  During the course of the film उ:   इस पाठ्य की प्राचीनतम ज्ञात प्रतिलिपि अरबी में है। पीछे दौडना Ex:  On a nine-hole course पीछे दौड़ना Ex:  "play the course as you find it" बाट Ex:  The B.Tech course is based on a 4-year program with eight semesters राह Ex:  Planck started a six-semester course of lectures on theoretical physics उ:   मैं जहाँ राह भूल जाता हूँ। विषय् Ex:  Over the course of his reign वेग से चलना Ex:  Over the course of the program
Course ki paribhasha : vyavahaar ya kaary aadi ki riti kisi vastu ki motaayi ka phailaav jo kisi doosari vastu ke oopar ho bhoogarbh shaastr ke anusaar bhoomi aadi ka ek prakaar ka vibhaag jo usaki bhinn bhinn kaalon men bani hui tahon ke aadhaar par hota hai shatarnj ya chausar aadi khelon men kisi mohare ya goti aadi ko apane sthaan se badhaana ya hataanaa, athava taash ya gnjiphe aadi khelon men kisi patte ko khel ke kaamon ke liye sab khelanevaalon ke saamane phenkana vastuon ya kaaryon ke paraspar aage pichhe aadi hone ka niyam un vishayon ka kram ji kisi vishvavidyaalay skoola, kaaleja, aadi men padhaaye jaatai hain drav padaartho ka nimn tal ki or aapase aap gaman karana niyat sthaan ke atirikt shesh vistaar dharati ka vah lnba chaud vibhaag jo braahmaanon ke shatkarmo men se ek karm
Usage of Course in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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