Courtyard meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Courtyard
As noun : अँगन Ex:  he bowed head before the tulsi in courtyard
अँगना Ex:  How much it will cost to cover the courtyard with flagstones. अँजीर Ex:  The courtyard is flagged with flagstone. अगन Ex:  The courtyard has an embossed pattern. अहाता Ex:  The Russians withdrew to the courtyard आँगन Ex:  The Poles managed to secure the courtyard and place a single cannon there उ:   इस आँगन में एक पुरातात्विक संग्रहालय भी है। आँगनचौरा Ex:  The Masjid al-Nabawi was built with a large courtyard ऑगन Ex:  The larger outer courtyard एहाता Ex:  The prisoners lived in an adjacent courtyard in a 90 ft tall building. कंपाउंड Ex:  He walked to the embassy courtyard पेशगाह Ex:  A common courtyard प्राग‌ंण Ex:  A courtyard Spacious strong मंदल Ex:  Closing Wall, Wall that encloses a courtyard outside, a garden, a park, etc
Other : आंगन Ex:  This courtyard often contains a pomegranate or other type of tree उ:   यह मंदिर नीलगिरी पहाड़ी के आंगन में बना है। चारदीवारी Ex:  On October 29, 1941, a bomb exploded in the courtyard of the General Staff. उ:   आयताकार खाकों के बाग एक चारदीवारी से घिरे होते हैं। चौक Ex:  All traditional Chinese dwellings had a courtyard उ:   अहमदाबाद का मानेक चौक शहरका हार्द है। सहन Ex:  He also said, in schools, a covered part of the courtyard where children take their breaks when it rains उ:   सहन करना उनकी आदत है।
Courtyard ki paribhasha : makaan ke bich ya saamen ka khula hua bhaag ghar ke bhitar ka vah chaukhoota sthaan jisake chaaron or kothariyaaan aur baraamad hon
Courtyard synonyms
lawn yard patio
Usage of Courtyard in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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