Covered meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Covered
As noun : आच्छादित Ex:  All sides of mountains were covered with snow. उ:   शरीर लंबे बालों से आच्छादित होता है।
आछादित Ex:  Ivy covered our fence. निभृत Ex:  The insurance policy covered us against losses . परिस्तीर्ण Ex:  The epidermis is covered with pores called stomata पर्यावृत Ex:  "South side" is broadly analogous to the area covered by the Burgh Muir पिन्निय Ex:  However, many suburbs are not conveniently covered by any of these categories. प्रतिवीत Ex:  The details of these functions are covered in other articles प्रत्यूढ Ex:  Show No Mercy covered topics such as Satanism, Hell, and the Devil. लतावेष्टित Ex:  By 1995, 90% of the Ugandan coastline was covered by the plant. वितत Ex:  France, where Hemingway covered the Greco-Turkish War for the Toronto Star. व्यावृत Ex:  The film version of Velociraptor was also covered in scales. संतृण्ण Ex:  Rancho Tía Juana , covered .
As verb : आवृत Ex:  Eatables should be covered well. उ:   उनसे आवृत व्यक्ति सदा प्रेम का अधिकारी है, हिंसा का कभी नहीं। निभृत Ex:  The insurance policy covered us against losses . पिन्निय Ex:  However, many suburbs are not conveniently covered by any of these categories. प्रतिवीत Ex:  The details of these functions are covered in other articles प्रत्यूढ Ex:  Show No Mercy covered topics such as Satanism, Hell, and the Devil. बाँधा गया Ex:  Virginia is sixty-five percent covered by forests. विरुक्षित Ex:  He founded the Durrani Empire that covered most of what is today Afghanistan वृत Ex:  In 1983, he covered the U.S. invasion of Grenada वेढिअ Ex:  Sharkskin and rayskin which are covered with व्याक्षिप्त Ex:  Western Antarctica is covered by the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. व्यावृत Ex:  The film version of Velociraptor was also covered in scales. व्यावृति Ex:  About 70 percent of the surface is covered by salt-water oceans. संछन्न Ex:  At higher elevations the islands are permanently covered with ice and snow. समुढ़ Ex:  Others who have covered or reinterpreted the theme include Orbital सेनापरिच्छद् Ex:  The tour covered North America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific.
As adjective : आवृत ढँका हुआ Ex:  She covered the table with a baize. आड़वाला Ex:  His wound was covered with the scab. छतदार Ex:  It is covered by paper. ढ‌ँका हुआ Ex:  We climbed the snow covered cliff.
Other : आच्छन्न Ex:  women with covered faces छन्न Ex:  I brushed my books down as they were covered with dust. छादित Ex:  Fish fingers are fried covered in breadcrumbs. तय Ex:  The snowfield is always covered with snow. उ:   वे चर्च पर लौटने के जांच करने के लिए तय है। बन्द Ex:  It is often covered with icons and can be very elaborate. उ:   जुलाई २०११ में गूगल ने यह सेवा बन्द कर दी। सावरण Ex:  "Nut Rocker" has subsequently been covered by many others including The Shadows
Covered synonyms
camouflaged painted protected enclosed wrapped hidden concealed veiled disguised bound masked sheltered coated topped shielded capped enveloped hooded sheathed secreted varnished roofed surfaced overlaid lidded overgrown spotted flowery dotted carpeted overspread spangled bejeweled flowered sown peppered powdered spattered studded starred dusted over scattered with spread with sprinkled over starry with strewn with marked investigated recorded observed reported written examined included noted scrutinized regarded explored surveyed accounted for
Covered antonyms
uncovered unheeded unnoticed open bare exposed unmasked revealed empty unfurnished passed over unknown
Usage of Covered in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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